
Trail Mix Definition

Decent Essays

When it comes to explaining what type of student I am, all teachers I’ve ever had would agree that I’m like a bag of trail mix. Overwhelmingly different elements that contradict while apart, but oddly operate well when together, construct my personality. Peanuts, or any protein-packed nut of your choice, fabricate the basis of any acceptable trail mix. Like this component, I can be as nutty as they get and simply chatting one-on-one with me makes this evident. My sense of humor tends to be kind of dorky. Oftentimes, I instigate my own laughter more than anyone else’s with my specialties of making strange “play on words” and awkward comments. Basically… I’m funny because I’m not. And have you ever heard me laugh?! Now that’s an unusual sound in and of itself. Ultimately, nuts aren’t always the greatest components of the entire mix, but they have an acquired taste that many can grow to enjoy if they don’t already love. …show more content…

Like this treat, I feel that I’m sweet. Exhibiting to others that I’m kind-hearted, never intending to inflict harm upon anybody, is how I strive to project my quality intentions. Additionally, I have a strong shell, depending on the situation. When put under excessive pressure I might crack or melt, but I attempt to remain determined and persistent in order to overcome obstacles, these being virtues that teachers frequently

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