
Training Management Plan For Cgi

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Training Management Plan for CGI
Tony Tomes
Wayland Baptist University
10 February 2017

Training Management Plan (TMP)
Outline and Table of Contents Page Numbers

TMP Thesis Statement . . . . . . 3

Organization Description . . . . . 3

TMP Practical Value and Benefits . . . . . 3

Organization Behavior: . . . . . 4

What Managers Do: . . . . . . 6

Member Satisfaction Program . . . . 6

Improving training . . . . 7

Assessing Training Requirements . . . . . 8

Organizational …show more content…

Although the demands of the IT industry are challenging, CGI has always believed that this in no way conflicts with the very humane and caring approach they take in all of the relationships they foster. Since the inception of the company, this approach has been successful; most notably through the example set by sharing the same values allows all members to enjoy considerable autonomy and swiftness of action without compromising company cohesiveness. These values are an integral part in guiding the decisions and actions of the management team. The implementation of a well defined and understood TMP provides clarity and guidance on what manager?s role play in the success of CGI.
Organization Behavior CGI?s ?Code of Ethics and Business Conduct? (CGI, 2013c) are based on the values and philosophy that have guided CGI successfully since the Company 's inception in 1976. It constitutes a unique repository where the combination of CGI policies, guidelines, principles of conduct and best practices have been regrouped under one umbrella document, for the benefit of its members, officers and directors. One of the integral parts of this code involves the development and nurturing of members in their career growth. CGI 's strategic human resource management team lays out the key elements of the training management plan that provides support to its members and influences the management process of CGI. These elements reflect a

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