An “Introduction to Transgender Terms and Concepts” is a reading that discusses the differences between Transvestites, Cross Dressers, Transsexuals, and Trans genders. It is also discussed in the reading how one actually thinks and acts leading them into the LGBT community.
Transgender is a term for people whose gender identity, gender expression or behavior does not conform to that typically associated with the sex to which they were assigned at birth. Gender identity refers to a person’s internal sense of being male, female or something else; gender expression refers to the way a person communicates gender identity to others through behavior, clothing, hairstyles, and voice or body characteristics. “Trans” is sometimes used as shorthand
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Let’s take a look at the current situation in North Carolina. The National Basketball Association (NBA) was scheduled to host the 2017 NBA All-Star Game in Charlotte, North Carolina but due to a House Bill that may no longer be the case. The city of Atlanta is now asking the NBA to host this event that is destined to bring some economic relief to our city; this could bring a rather large sum of money into Atlanta and possibly the future. The problem is this, in the city of Charlotte a person must use the bathroom that coincides with your gender. In today’s society with many gays, lesbians, bi-sexuals, and Transgenders this bill is considered discrimination. If I am a male who lives my day to day life as a woman, dresses as such but decide to attend this event I will be required to use a male gender restroom.
The city of Charlotte is due to lose a lot of revenue because of this bill the NBA refuses to allow one of their events to be hosted in such a way. The city of Atlanta has opened its arms and welcomed the NBA to use its facilities. Many NBA players have spoken out in defense of the Transgender community, supporting them and their freedom of choice to attend such events and still be comfortable with
In a New York Times story, “Emmert (NCAA President) said the N.C.A.A., college sports’ governing body, had used lobbyists to oppose the law, called the Religious Freedom Restoration Act. The law, which does not explicitly mention sexual orientation, prevents the state from forcing private individuals or corporations to do business in ways that violate religious beliefs”(Blinder) The opposition of a legally justified law expounding the first amendment right, is by no means related to sports, and is outrageous to think that taxpayers (through paying state taxes, and the state schools paying the NCAA), indirectly pay for opposition of their state governments is an egregious act. This is not the only time, where the NCAA has interjected into the political arena. As USA Today reported, “The NCAA announced on Monday the relocation of seven previously awarded championship events — including NCAA tournament games in Greensboro — from the state of North Carolina during the 2016-17 academic year as a result of the state's controversial House Bill 2.(Blinder)” It is intriguing that the NCAA is sanctioning a state, especially with a state with such deep basketball roots as North Carolina (specifically the monetary role North Carolina has) instead of hashing it out with the state government. The lack of defined respect by the
Many of the issues and concerns previously mentioned stem from the cons that come with the bill. The first con is financial: the state of Texas could potentially lose money from passing SB 6. High-profile sporting events often turn to Texas for a host state and those who the bill applies to and people who do not support the bill will likely boycott any events held in Texas (Mangan). For example, the NBA All-Star game could turn its focus to Texas for a potential host, but executives are already starting to factor in this bill in their decision-making as they do not want to host events where patrons will feel unsafe and unwelcomed. According to KTRK, executives of the league will “watch Texas and other states with similar bills” as they inspect states for potential NBA hosts. Should Texas be passed aside for this and other large-scale events, the state could undoubtedly lose a great deal of money and publicity. Another issue on the individual level lies with who the bill targets: those of the transgender community. While never specifically stated in the bill, a majority of people feel that it only targets transgender individuals as they are the only persons who identify as a different gender and would like to use the restroom of the gender they identify
According to the articles, transgender is when someone's gender identity, expression, and behaviors are not conforming with their biological sex.
Kidd and Witten define the term transgender vaguely, stating it “describe[s] people who transcend the conventional boundaries of gender, irrespective of physical status or sexual orientation” (Kidd & Witten, 2007, p. 36). This term is a reference for the ‘other gender’ that is not particularly male or female. Currently, within the American society, there is a growing awareness of individuals who are transgender. Much of this awareness comes from LGBT movements and
Different people have different ideas about what the term transgender means. Most describe a transgender person as someone who feels strongly that their gender is not the same as the sex they were assigned at birth. Transgender people feel and express their gender in many different
The term transgender is used to define individuals who do not identify with the sex that they were assigned at birth. For example, if a person who is born female decides later on in her life that she would like to identify as a man, that person would identify as a trans-man, and would most-likely use the pronouns “he” or “him” when describing himself.
According to a website titled Transgender Student Guidelines, transgender is a term that represents an individual who identifies differently from what his or her biological gender is. In simpler words if an individual was born with male anatomy, then that individual feels identifies as a female, this clarification also
Many may wonder what being a transgender person really is, a lot of people may see or refer to it as someone who has gone gender transformation, or is confused with who they are. The word transvestite is very much used when referring to a person who identifies with the opposite gender, the word 'Transvestite' itself originated in 1910 by the well known German sexologist Magnus Hirschfeld, who also founded the Berlin institute which was where the first 'sex change' surgeries took place. 'Transsexual' was not used until 1949, the word 'transgender' not until 1971, and 'trans not until 1996, but they all refer to the same thing. The idea of being transgender goes as far back as 1503 BC to the Egyptians. It was believed that their second
What is transgender? The accepted and recognized definition of a transgender individual according to Webster’s dictionary is: denoting or relating to a person whose sense of personal identity and gender does not correspond with their birth sex. Gender fluidity and gender dysphoria are also common terms and
Transgender means having a gender identity that does not correspond to the sex that is on the person’s birth certificate. A transgender woman means that she identifies as a female, but her assigned sex is male. Many people do not know that there is a difference between gender and sex. Gender is what someone inwardly feels that they are more like male or female. Some people are gender fluid, meaning that one day they might feel more like a male and one day they might feel more like a female, or they might feel like they don’t fit on the traditional gender spectrum and have a specific gender. Sex is what is what you are assigned at birth and is on your birth certificate. Most people identify with the same sex they were given at birth, which means that they are cisgender (Blythe B.2).
Many argued that this bill was important for the safety of women and children from men who could have been sexual offenders, pretending to be a transgender just to get inside of a woman’s locker/restroom. The opponents of the bill are the Democrats, civil rights groups and of course the LGBT community. These people feel as if the bill is discriminating, it’s an interference with the government’s rights, as well as causing the economy to be at risk of losing lots of money. Their argument is that there .haven’t been any reports about men dressing up as women just to commit a crime, and then later using the bathroom bill as a cover up or a legal defense. Many transgender women and men do not see the big deal about just going to the bathroom and leaving out. If anything they feel as if they would be the ones to undergo an attack if anybody. The state is looking at losing at least 4.5 billion dollars behind this bill . Many citizens of this community is disappointed with the mayor for allowing this bill to discriminate them. Major companies, airlines and other organizations are even reconsidering moving out of state. According to NCAA,which is the men’s basketball tournament, they have stated as of now they will just listen out and monitor the next events that happens with this bill, but they are also upset with the bill, because they would like for anyone who comes to their tournaments to feel welcomed and are treated respectfully
Transgender means having a gender identity that does not correspond to the sex that is on the person’s birth certificate. A transgender woman means that she identifies as a female, but her assigned sex is male. Many people do not know that there is a difference between gender and sex. Gender is what someone inwardly feels that they are more like male or female. Some people are gender fluid, meaning that one day they might feel more like a male and one day they might feel more like a female, or they might feel like they don’t fit on the traditional gender spectrum and have a specific gender. Sex is what is what you are assigned at birth and is on your birth certificate. Most people identify with the same sex they were given at birth, which means that they are cisgender.
A transsexual as referred in the book is a person who believes that he or she was born with the body of the gender. This term can also be related to a person who has gone through the operation or before. A conditioned called Dysphoria is where unhappiness, or dissatisfaction with one’s gender. A transgender as referred in the book is a category including transsexuals, also those who think of themselves as a third gender, or transvestites. There are two types of transsexuals, one born with male structured bodies with an identity of a women. The other one is who is born with a female structured body with the identity of a male.
The transgender community is an integral part of the LGBT community, although there are slight differences. The purpose of this paper is to bring to highlight such differences and discrimination that the transgender community faces. The Merriam Webster’s dictionary defines being transgender as “of, relating to, or being a person (as a transsexual or transvestite) who identifies with or expresses a gender identity that differs from the one which corresponds to the person 's sex at birth.” Typically, this is what it entails. To put it short, someone who is transgendered is someone who does not identify with the gender they were assigned to at birth.
In the 90s the term ‘transgender’ was coined. The term transgender can be considered as the umbrella, which includes people who are willing to defy the traditional societal expectations regarding gender (Molero & Pinto, 2015). It is a broad term that includes the transsexuals, intersexual, and also who do not confine to identify with the male/female gender category, and the people whose behaviors are largely different from the societal norms (Molero & Pinto, 2015).