
Transgenders Argumentative Essay

Decent Essays

American governmental laws which imply gender are written on the principle that there are two sexes, male or female. However, with nearly 700,000 transgender people living in our country today, these laws overlook a large portion of society(Gates, 20011). Men and women making a change from one sex to another sometimes struggle to fit in our society.Transgenders must overcome some obstacles and laws that can affect their passport, break laws of discrimination, determine what sports they may participate in, and laws that even limit their health insurance plan. To change the gender on a passport, or to get a passport with the correct gender marker, a transgender applicant must submit a letter from their doctor certifying that they have undergone …show more content…

Steps in the transition process can include changing the name and pronouns one goes by, updating formal documents to reflect a different gender marker and name from the ones assigned at birth, changing one’s style of dress and other aspects of gender expression, and, in some but not all cases, pursuing medical treatments such as hormone therapy or gender confirmation surgery that help make one’s body look and feel more feminine or more masculine. Medicare covers transition-related hormone therapy. Depending on a person’s specific needs, gender confirmation surgery might involve several different types of genital reconstruction procedures, breast augmentation or reduction, removal of the uterus and ovaries for transgender men or the testes for transgender women, surgery to change the shape of the face and throat is also an option. Some of those …show more content…

s and experiences include people whose gender identity is different from the sex they were assigned at birth, people who transition from living as one gender to another or wish to do so are often described by the clinical term “transsexual”, people who “cross-dress” part of the time, and people who identify

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