
Transnational Cultural Resistance

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Transnational cultural resistance is similar to Leisy Abrego argument on Salvadorian Identity because of culture and power as being inclusive to borders and family dynamics being linked across various barriers. In relation to Abrego and Stephens argument about survival and resistance, the power of matriarchy in both these communities exemplifies the leadership of women as the driving leaders of revolutions. The construction of borders are mechanisms to not only divide communities, but also creates a structural system which includes and excludes identities as a way to impose white supremacy. The exclusion of people is linked to policies that are anti-indigenous and highlights the irony of American domination, which pushes people out of their homeland and restricts access to migration. Organizing against these borders and structures of power becomes complex considering communities are torn apart and positioned into oppressive realities. However, indigenous resistance to the dominant forms of power lies within their ability to mold an identity and sustain a movement of resistance. Collective actions, according to Stephen, references the power of grassroot organizing, which reveals the necessity of change to be connected to local movements because structural change is a process that begins with a foundation. Lynn Stephen, director of the center for Latino/a and Latin American Studies at the University of Oregon, argues in her book Transborder Lives: Oaxacan Indigenous Migrants

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