
Trauma From Intimate Partner Violence Essay

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Stress within the family spreads to stress among other family members. Children from infancy to adolescence absorb surrounding behaviors as their brain continues to develop, influencing potential negative behaviors in their adulthood (Osofsky, et al., 2004). Trauma from intimate partner violence could affect an infant more than an adult for reasons of dependence and periods of critical brain development which may alter brain functions (Randell, Bledsoe, Shroff, & Pierce, 2011). The parents, or intimate partners, are often viewed by children as strong standing role models. In the eyes of a child, these role models are seen as their idols, by seeing their idol in a constant state of weakness impacts their personal understanding of the world and their potential role in it. Parental conflict causes distress in children as the conflict could pose a direct threat to the child’s personal safety (Martinez-Torteya, Bogat, Eye, & Levendosky, 2009). Although, not every act of conflict results in negative behavior of the offspring, every relationship has periods of disagreement (Dejonghe, Bogat, Levendosky, Eye, & Davidson, 2005). Influences which may dictate negative consequential behavior in children are the frequency, intensity, and subject of conflict (Anderson & Bang, 2011; Dejonghe, Bogat, Levendosky, Eye, & Davidson, 2005; Lohman, Neppl, Senia, & Schofield, 2013; Martinez-Torteya, Bogat, Eye, & Levendosky, 2009). Youth exposed to intimate partner violence experience problems

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