
Truck Drivers Stereotypes

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To some the trucker was known as a cowboy of the highway, a sign of freedom and people were in awe how one person could could maneuver such a giant piece of machinery. Over time the image of truckers have changed in a not so flattering manner. When a person now a days thinks of a trucker they think dirty, rude, foul mouthed, or hooked on drugs, but that isn’t the case. These are the things that the media have put into the minds of people today. In movies,and in tv shows the trucker is never the good guy and that ends up being the image people have for the rest of their lives. Truck drivers are hard working and some of the friendliest people you can encounter while on the road. They are misunderstood and deserve to be understood by all who …show more content…

To some that sounds great because they drive so many of them they make a lot of money, and the average trucker makes $0.28 or $0.40 a mile so they get paid pretty good right. But with all these miles and constantly driving between cities and states, when are they home? A Stereotype that many people have towards truck drivers are that they don’t have families, that when they aren’t working they go home to a little hole in the wall apartment sit on a dirty recliner, in a probably once white tank top that is now stained with sweat marks, crack open a beer and watch television till they pass out and that is just not the case for so many. The media has created this image of truck drivers in tv shows and in movies really just to make a joke and it went too far. With this as the image so many are left with it might some as a shock that most truckers actually have loving and caring people in their lives. Whether the trucker is female or male they have someone who is waiting for them at home and are missing them dearly. They are gone for weeks on end only to come home for 2-3 days exhausted and drained and they still find the energy to get up and spend time with their husbands, wives, and kids because they know it will be a while to see them again. They sacrifice so much to do their jobs and make money to support the people they care about

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