
Truck Driving Autobiography

Decent Essays

I was born Dennis Laverne Horn Jr. on November 19th, 1978 in Dodgeville, Wisconsin. I was supposed to be a New Year’s baby, but decided to arrive two months early, and came in at a whopping three pounds! My mother and Father had just returned from a week long run in the semi when mom started having a stomach ache. My father likes to remind me that they had stork instead of turkey that Thanksgiving, and thus began my journey in life and who I am today. Throughout my childhood I have always had a drive to succeed in whatever it was that I attempted. My high school years were filled with many nights working at McDonalds after football practice, coming home late and hitting he weight room. There was a drive in me to be the best, the best worker I could be, the best football player, best student, I cannot pinpoint where that drive started, but it remains to this day. I have a natural drive to do well, not everyone wakes up pep talk ready in the morning, but I do, I look forward to each day and the challenges it presents. I feel as though through my faith in the Lord and hard work, anything …show more content…

I have been to forty-nine states and thirteen countries, if I could, I would live either in the air or on a cruise ship. Nature has always fascinated me and I feel blessed to have grown up and continue to live in Wisconsin, the sheer beauty and slower pace of life is truly good for the soul. I love the Packers, being able to sit in the same stadium seat my grandfather sat in forty years ago is a feeling that cannot be explained. I love all seasons, but nothing beats a Wisconsin fall night next to the bonfire. I do not like mean spirited people and try to understand what makes them so bitter, helping when and where I can. Preparing for this assignment, I truly had a hard time coming up with things that I dislike, there just isn’t

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