
Tuberculosis Essay

Decent Essays


Forms of tuberculosis have been present in the human population since ancient times. Fragments of spinal columns from Egyptian mummies dating back to 2400 BC show definite pathological signs of tubercular decay. Around 460 BC Hippocrates wrote on the subject of a disease which we now know as tuberculosis. In his article he warned his colleagues against visiting cases in the late stages of the disease, because the patient’s inevitable death might damage the reputations of the attending physicians. The world’s population remained totally defenseless to the lethal effects of tuberculosis for thousands of years. Then, around the 17th century scientists began to hypothesize about the nature of the disease and began to …show more content…

Marten’s insight proved to be another enormous step towards the understanding and prevention of tuberculosis. In the 19th century Hermann Brehmer, a Silesian botany student whom was suffering from tuberculosis, was instructed by his physician to move to a healthier climate. Brehmer traveled to the Himalayan mountains mainly to pursue his botanical studies. What he didn’t know at the time was that this journey would be attributed to curing his disease. When Brehmer returned home he began to study medicine. In 1854, he wrote his dissertation titled, “Tuberculosis is a Curable Disease.” He hypothesized that his recovery was directly related to the healthier environment found in the Himalayan mountains. Brehmer built an institution in Gorbersdorf where his patients received a nutritious diet and spent great amounts of time on their balconies where they were exposed to continuous fresh air. This clinic was the first step towards the development of a sanatorium. Sanatoria, could now be found throughout Europe and the United States. A sanatorium provided two functions. They isolated the ill from the rest of the public while enforcing rest and a healthy diet. Tuberculosis is caused by an organism called Mycobacterium

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