
Turino's Music As A Social Life

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The reasons people choose to identify with certain genres of music are variable, but many are rooted in exposure through family. The age at which children are introduced to music is also variable in relation to one’s ‘family cultural formation.’ Turino writes about music as an identity marker multiple times throughout Music as a Social Life, and in both of these quotes explores why people are called to certain genres and how they behave within them. He states that early and extensive exposure to, and participation in a style will give individuals “the habits needed to perform [] in culturally appropriate ways,” ergo making them feel more comfortable within a musical style. But the comfortability isn’t all that matters; people are judged according …show more content…

In coherence with this, a way of actively demonstrating authenticity is through revealing values or dressing according to musical identity in everyday life. Following this tactic is how many individuals identifying with hip hop and rap choose to prove their authenticity. Even though both genres have deep roots in black culture white people represented in the media as belonging to hip hop and rap aren’t widely criticized for possibly being inauthentic because of lack of personal history relating to the genres, while when POC participate in historically white music, they’re either ridiculed or underrepresented.

Although some POC identify with music outside of their ‘family cultural formation,’ many don’t, and the reason could very well be because they weren’t exposed to it early on, or simply don’t enjoy the music. Another possibility though is that they don’t see themselves in it (this can apply to all individuals when determining which musical style they identify with). Their values, fashion, or skin color don’t commonly appear in a genre. Being half Hispanic and half white this topic has bothered me in the

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