
Tympanic Membrane Research Paper

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The Human's ear can be divided into three anatomic parts: the external, middle and inner ear. The tympanic membrane is part of the middle ear and is commonly known as the eardrum. The tympanic membrane is a really thin layer of tissue that is difficult to permanently damage because of its toughness. On observation, the Tympanic membrane is clear and reflect light. To observe the Tympanic membrane, one need to do a posterior, lateral and upward traction of the ear pinna for adult, but for the pediatric population, you should do a posterior lateral and downward traction of the pinna. The tympanic membrane is composed of: the anterior malleolar fold, the posterior malleolar fold, the pars flacida which is affected by benign diseases like Otitis …show more content…

The main symptoms of an ear infection are fever and ear pain. The thyroid gland is a butterfly-shaped gland located at the base of the neck. The thyroid gland is an endocrine gland that secretes hormones responsible for some proteins synthesis, metabolic rate, metabolic development, and much more. Hypothyroidism and Hyperthyroidism are the main diseases processes that wee commonly see in a hospital setting. Hyperthyroidism is the excess production of thyroid hormones which can lead to diseases like Graves's disease, goiters, or thyroid adenoma. A patient with hyperthyroidism will present with non-specific symptoms that include intolerance to heat, increased appetite, tremor, palpitation or anxiety. Hyperthyroidism is generally treated with drugs that would interact with thyroid's hormones function, surgery can also be a possibility. Hypothyroidism is the underproduction of thyroid hormones which can be caused by Hashimoto disease. This disorder will cause the body to produce antibodies that will attack the thyroid gland. A patient will present with symptoms that include weight gain, baldness or cold

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