
Type 2 Diabetes : An Issue Of My Community Essay

Decent Essays

Type 2 Diabetes: An issue of my community
Report on a biological issue:

In this report I will be explaining why type 2 diabetes is an issue in our community and the biological reasoning behind it. Also I have refined my own research question which is “Does the Thrifty Gene theory really provide sufficient evidence that it’s the main reason why Maori and Pacific Islanders tend to have higher rates of type 2 diabetes?” and have found two well researched perspectives about it and then will take my own position about my question.

Type 2 Diabetes is when the cells in your body doesn’t recognise the insulin that is present, or that the body doesn’t produce enough insulin to control the glucose (sugar) in the blood stream. So what happens is that the food consumed by people with type 2 diabetes gets broken down into glucose which then enters the bloodstream. Then the gastric hormones promote insulin secretion in response to glucose but then this is where the dilemma is for people with type 2 diabetes because the pancreas does produce the insulin needed but their body is resistant to it’s effects which is called insulin resistance. When the cells don’t recognise or allow the insulin to enter the cell the excess glucose gets absorbed by the cell lining in the blood vessels and become leaky and can become potentially blocked. This can cause the damage of small blood vessels and other major diseases such as eye, kidney failure and heart disease. So this is why people with type 2

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