
Understanding Identity Construction, Hegemony, and Resistance

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Based on the main purpose, there were several goals of the study. The primary one was to understand identity construction, hegemony, consent, and resistance in an interpretive way by satisfying the hermeneutic-historical research interest of understanding social workers in order to have a better mutual understanding. The second goal was to elucidate hegemony, consent, resistance, and identity, and the theoretical triangle of hegemony-resistance-identity, in the field of outreaching social work in Hong Kong. It was expected that the clarification would reflect the development of social work profession in general and thus infer the future development of the profession. The third goal was to illustrate international influence on the identity and development of the social work services, by combining hegemony and discourse theories.

The main thesis was that social workers concerned with outreaching social work in Hong Kong produced discourses transmitting governmental hegemony and, generated discourses showing either their consent or resistance in response to the hegemony, and thus enunciated their professional identity.
The thesis can be illustrated in 3 points.
The first point was that the discourses of hegemony was identified as accountability, effectiveness and social control. The second was that the social workers addressed the discourses of resistance in terms of incompatibility, social defense and others. The third was that the social workers considered

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