
Understanding Of The Current Database And Proposed Development Opportunities

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Introduction A-one+ is a highway engineering provider with the expertise and resources to plan, design, construct, maintain and operate motorways and trunk roads. Primary objective is to ensure motorways and trunk roads operate to the high standard set by Highways England improving user experience and environmental considerations. A scheme management tool is available at AOne+ which is an MSAccess database to track schemes through various stages and reporting with cost estimates for maintenance purposes. This document defines the approach proposed to review current database and re-develop with user friendly frontend/dashboard allowing easy update and reporting. The aim of this scoping report is to outline the understanding of the …show more content…

Again increased data, change in focus of business and decreased speed and efficiency anticipates a new development would be more beneficial than amending the current database. Following table shows the number of data tables, queries and forms which shows the complexity of the current database. Database Table Queries Forms Watchman 144 110 80 Scheme Delivery 75 148 43 The Proposed Development A meeting with the programme manager, database technologist and users at AOne+ is held to discuss possibilities and the new requirements. The aspiration is to re-develop the database increasing speed and efficiency with more functional capabilities in MSAccess 2007 optionally MSAccess 2013. The client endorsed that the database will be used by multiple users and could be shared with other areas of AOne+. Development approach Developing a database reflecting the requirements is complex and it is necessary to follow an appropriate methodological framework. The development approach would be providing client with high levels of understanding and visibility at all stages of the development process ensuring clarity and predictability. A robust and transparent project management methodology will be followed during the development cycle with minimum maintenance. The database development approach is depicted in the following diagram. Development work will be carried out in collaboration with the

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