
Understanding The Cultural Difference Of Business Communication

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In this era of globalization, many companies and organizations often heavily dependent on the international trade which are the main industry to keep their business running. Indeed, even with information on how the business can grow internationally, some business frequently fails to keep up the importance of cultural understating in the business itself. Further, it is often leads to the lack of understanding and decreasing of performance to achieve its goals. In this essay, the writer will describe the importance of understanding the cultural difference in business communication. Further, the writer also emphasizes on the three major issues that is commonly forgotten, such as Cross cultural communication issues, workplace etiquette issues, …show more content…

Now and again, these topics may convert into changing desires for business organizations and arrangements. Based on the changing desires and needs and wants, “people 's purchasing behaviour ultimately, are shaped by their environment and their values. Therefore, when you are creating new products or services in different countries or regions, it is important to conduct research beforehand about the target market. Consider characteristics like the role of gender in the culture, their decision-making process and what they value the most”(Innov8 Education Solutions, 2017). Based on that, it is clearly stated that the importance of understanding the different culture is just cannot be ignored, and should be implemented to enter the market also understanding the consumer’s behaviour in the market. Besides, the importance of understanding the cross cultural communication through the brand that the company wants has to be accepted in the cultural or even in the society.

Workplace etiquette issues happened frequently because of miscommunication and mistreat shown among the workers and staff who hold a position in a company. Indeed, there are many companies that have been established and continue to grow, however there is also some company that only last than 5 years and then goes bankrupt. This is a nature of the business, however, from enormous associations of privately owned

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