
Essay Statement For Media Management

Decent Essays


Media Management could be defined as a business mechanism that identifies issues and problems in the media enterprises thereby finding a cost effective solution. Media management contains the functions strategic management, procurement management, production management, organizational management and marketing of media enterprises. We are in a very interesting phase globally, as today any and every form of media ia easily accessable to the common man. With the advent of technology and its rapid and steady advancement, it becomes easy for anyone to access real time data. So quite naturally companies need to adopt a holistic approach while transmitting media.

This concept caught my attention during my Undergraduate study. …show more content…

The New School very beautifully sums up as to why every aspirant wants to join the university – “The school connects theory to practice, supports innovation in culture and communication, and continue to build bridges between the academy and the larger community it exists to serve.” It works as a catalyst for creative, ambitious young candidates, grooming them in a uniquely professional way so as to make them leaders and innovators in their field of studies. Coming from India, where we take a lot of pride in our culture, we emphasize the importance of giving back to the society or the people or the institute that has given us a lot not only in terms of a degree but has also nurtured our growth and groomed us in a way which was beyond our imagination. As an aspiring international candidate to The New School, I feel this tradition will be followed by where I will seek an opportunity to carry out in-depth research on different aspects of media management and do extensive coursework to understand the effects of media in this modern

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