
Unethical Banana Commodity Chain

Decent Essays

Bananas are a common household fruit in North American and European homes. However, by buying bananas consumers are supporting an unethical banana commodity chain. Banana plantation workers are paid unfair wages, prevented from unionizing, and are exposed to toxic pesticides in the workplace. After examining the harmful aspects of labour in the banana commodity chain, consumers ethical obligations towards buying bananas must be taken into account. Do consumers hold an ethical duty to ensure that their produce is produced fairly? If yes, how can they act on these duties? Based on Utilitarian ethics, Unger and Singer would argue that a banana consumer should make the decision that does the greatest amount of good for the greatest amount of people …show more content…

Ashford argues that with the existence of rights, comes the existence of an obligation to uphold these rights. Ashford states that the existence of the human right to basic necessities imposes negative and positive duties on citizens in affluent countries. Negative duties are duties to not deprive another of their access to human rights, while positive duties are duties to protect human rights. Applied to the unethical labour aspect of the banana commodity chain, Ashford’s rights-based approach turns to negative and positive duties to improve the working conditions of banana plantation workers. As a negative duty, the rights-based approach argues that consumers are obliged to boycott the purchasing of bananas altogether. Their purchase contributes to the unfair banana markets which pay banana plantation workers below the legal minimum wage, therefore depriving banana plantation workers of their human rights. As a positive duty, Ashford’s rights-based approach argues that consumers must take action to ensure that banana plantation workers rights are being upheld. This is done by petitioning for better wages for banana workers, and to contact elected officials to let them know of the importance of the issue of banana plantation working conditions. Through examining the primary concepts …show more content…

I am glad to change the way I consume and to take steps to improve the lives of banana plantation workers. After writing my commodity chain report I began to incorporate some of these obligations into my life. I have stopped buying bananas and I am learning to grow my own produce to ensure that the food I am eating is ethically produced. My actions however, do not fully respond to the analyzed ethical actions as I do not have extra money to donate to charities, which the Utilitarian approach would encourage me to do, nor do I have the time as a student to dedicate myself to positive duties like petitioning or contacting elected officials like the rights-based approach would encourage me to do. However, I am proud to know that by growing my own produce instead of buying bananas that I am consuming ethical and sustainable food that I can be happy to have in my

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