
Unhealthy Diet In Australia

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For decades the importance of having a healthy diet has been stressed, especially with the increased awareness of obesity as a national health risk in recent years. In one form or another, every Australian is presented with the choice to consume either a nutritious diet or an unhealthy diet. This essay will detail both the benefits I have personally experienced as a result of eating a well-balanced diet, as well as the health determinants that have been significant in shaping this health behaviour. Social and environmental influences, such as family and the media, have been especially relevant to me, and individual factors, such as self-motivation and success, have also helped form this health behaviour. Consuming a well-balanced diet has …show more content…

I eat breakfast and dinner with my family almost every day, and simply having parental presence at these main meals was initially a vital determinant for this health behaviour. Skipping breakfast and poor consumption of vegetables, fruits, and dairy products has never been a problem for me as a result, and a study in the United States (US) found that more family meals during a week will increase the beneficial effect on the eating behaviours of children (Videon, 2003). Additionally, another research study noted that a higher frequency of family dinners was associated with a higher intake of nutrients and other health benefits, such as a lower glycaemic load and a lower intake of saturated and trans fat as a percentage of energy (Gillman, 2000). Given that the food for the main meals I eat is purchased and prepared by my parents, the food I have eaten from a young age has always been healthy. I have been fortunate that my parents have known the importance of eating a healthy range of foods, for this has led me to form healthy habits. My parents are evidently the provider of all of my food and most of my eating also occurs at home, particularly dinner which provides the largest proportion of energy intake over any other meal or snacks, meaning that my food preferences, attitudes and values are significantly shaped by my parents, affecting my lifetime eating …show more content…

An Australian study reported that even twelve year olds were skipping breakfast (Shaw, 1998), which can have an effect on concentration, learning and school performance (Story, et al. 2002). In fact, Nicklas et al (1993) found that skipping breakfast decreases the total daily energy, vitamin and mineral intake, causing dietary inadequacy to be two to five times higher (Story, et al. 2002). A benefit of eating a well-balanced diet with the recommended number and size of meals throughout the day is the steady supply of energy it provides, helping to reduce fatigue (Finn, 2001). Cells in the body are able to produce energy more effectively when daily food consumption reaches optimum levels (Finn, 2001), and improved energy not only impacts sporting performance but academic performance as well. The results of a Canadian research (Florence, 2008) reiterate the beneficial effects of overall dietary adequacy and variety on academic performance. As a result of my consumption of a diverse selection of foods throughout the day, my energy levels increase, concentration improves, and I am likely to perform better academically. Therefore, there are many benefits in eating a nutritious and well-balanced

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