Have you ever wondered why the schools have dress code and not uniforms? In the current society, all you notice in the schools is a dress code. School that I attend has numerous problems dealing with the dress code for the reason that particular students decided not to acknowledge it. A couple of teachers have to take precious teaching time to send the students to the office for dressing inappropriately. Although they have various problems with the policy, schools remain to enforce the dress code policy. Considering students cannot correctly follow the simple dress code, schools should require students to wear uniforms. Few public schools in the Tennessee require students to wear uniforms. In several countries, schools require students to wear uniforms. For instance, the school that I went to in India required uniforms too. Public schools requiring students to wear uniform will give them a sense of identity, increase their academic performance in the school, and reduce discrimination between the students.
Frist of all, uniform permits students’ sense of identity; it creates a feeling of oneness and belonging to their school. If you gather a group of people and dress them all in a mutual way, they are likely to develop a group identity and a group ethic that has nothing to do with their personal identity or their individual perceptions of right and wrong. All the members of that cluster will put the equal effort in the work. What sport players, cheerleaders, and band people
One main reason public schools have uniforms / dress code is because in 1996, President Clinton allowed the school uniform movement and said, “If it means teenagers will stop killing each other over designer jackets, then our public schools should be able to require their students to wear school uniforms.” This gave schools the power to control the
Schools should be required to wear uniform, because of the clothes that are being worn in school. To think that school should require students to wear uniform is crazy. I had the same mind process about school uniform should be banned, but when I kept reading it hit me real hard and I realize it not always about you it’s about education and confidence of passing. In order to do that you have to keep your mind out of the jungle and focus on life and school. You would rather wear a uniform to keep a positive mind on school then to worry everyday about how you look. It is less stress on your shoulder. Here are information that are being said that school should require student to wear uniforms.
Schools should use dress codes as they are a compromise between everyday creativity and aristocratic uniforms. Today most public schools do not require uniforms due to the exorbitant price. On average school uniforms cost $249 (greatereducation.org). Not only that, uniforms are also high maintenance due to special washing instructions such as dry cleaning, but uniforms are often held to a pristine standard that if violated will result in a disciplinary action against the student. Uniforms also restrict a student's ability to express themselves. However, uniforms can serve as a preventive measure against clothing offensive or obscene language. On the other hand though, so can a dress code. A dress code not only allows all of the advantages
School uniforms can keep students focused on schools instead of their outfits. A lot of students get easily distracted by what they’re wearing and trying to make sure it looks good and they don’t focus on what they are learning. If schools required uniforms, students wouldn’t worry about their outfits.
Why do some schools require kids to wear these dumb uniforms? There’s no Individuality at all, this just makes more laundry, and kids don’t gain independence or confidence by looking like everyone else. Public school students should not be required to wear uniforms because they make everyone look the same, they are costly, and they may not accommodate all sizes needed.
Students having to have uncomfortable clothes can not be relaxing to them. Which, making them rush school to get out of the clothes. Making them have lower grade and such not. So the dress code should be back to the way it was when there was no school uniform.
We should not be required to wear uniforms. For people who don’t have uniforms they will have to go out of their way to go spend lots of money on uniforms. Students should learn to make informed decisions about the clothes they wear.
Uniforms have been around for centuries, from back in the day when women had to wear dresses or skirts and men had to wear pants. To now where students and employees have to wear certain pieces of clothing. People dress to express themselves, schools tell their students to be who they are and to be proud; however, when the student tries to do so they are sent home or held in the office which not only takes away their rights to express themselves, but takes them out of class. According to Friedrichs, “A shocking number of students are actually sent home or suspended for breaking dress code, which means even more time out of class.” A school's job is to prepare children for their futures, that can be quite hard when the student is not there to learn. Dress codes can be overwhelming to maintain. A student's wardrobe isn’t going to be full of polos and khakis because they most likely do not wear polos and khakis outside of school. Dress code should not be as strict, hoodies should be allowed, tank tops should be
One reason that schools should require students to wear school uniforms is because it would make schools safer. “The schools superintendent, Paula E. Howard, said the district turned to uniforms in response to an after-school fight last year that involved weapons concealed in loose clothing”(Article 2 18). Having clothing that you can pick can create an opportunity
In summary, schools should not have uniforms. They do not allow students to express themselves. Also, they teach conformity over individuality. In addition to being useless in schools, they do not improve attendance, academic preparedness, or test results. Really, they do not improve anything. If you were a principal, would you enforce a uniform
In the United States alone, 20% of the kids that go to school wear uniforms. Uniforms are becoming popular and are soon to be trending all around school districts and other learning facilities. Around the world, some schools enforce uniforms for a majority of reasons. Most kids, including myself, believe school uniforms should not be enforced. There are plenty of reasons and no actions have not been taken.
Since the late 1990's many public schools across the nation have opted to implement a stronger dress code policy which have involved the addition to a specific mandated uniform policy. While some critics of mandatory uniform policies believe that there is no justification for change, school uniforms offer educational benefits, improve student behavior, social interaction, and are more cost effective and durable than traditional street clothes.
Since everyone is similar no one is better than someone else. Uniforms allow everyone to be identical making no one person more superior than their peer. Having everyone dress the same gives people the sense of equality. Seeing everyone dressed the same as you gives you the sense of similarity and allows students to focus on schoolwork. 81% of teachers said that school uniforms have improved the learning environment (Statistics Brain). This uniformity gives students a sense of community, acceptance, and allows them to focus more on higher priorities.
Would you want to be forced to wear the same clothing every day and not able to express yourself? Uniforms don’t seem such a big deal to the society but to the kids who have to wear them it is a big deal to them. Most schools don’t have uniforms because of the first amendment for freedom of expression. School districts should think about what the kids think about the uniforms instead of forcing them to wear them.
Students should have to follow dress codes at school. Enforcing dress codes can create a better and safer learning environment, promote academic focus on school, and at the same time helps prepare them for their life after school