
Unit 1 Err 201

Decent Essays

Unit 201- Outcome 1

Aspects of Employment

- Dismissal, redundancy, retirement and TUPE
- Breaches of contract
- Health and Safety
- Maternity / Paternity leave
- Holidays, sickness and compassionate leave
- Discrimination and bullying in work place
- Removal of barriers for disabled people
- Data Protection
- Discrimination during recruitment process
- Equality within the workplace, for example, working hours, pay, benefits
- How you are managed in the work place
- Entitlement to career development in the work place

Current Employment Legislation

- Equality Act 2010
- Employment Right Act 1996
- Employment Relations Act 1999
- Data Protection 1988
- Health and Safety at work Act 1974
- Health and Safety (young persons) Regulations …show more content…

Grievance procedure I would follow instructions of company hand book.

Conflict management is identifying and handling the situation in a fair sensible manner. Skills required are effective communication, problem solving and negotiating with a focus of interest.

Anti-discriminatory practise is the main strategy in combating discrimination. It is action taken to prevent discrimination on the grounds of gender, race, class and disability it takes into account out behaviour towards others this is the key to combating prejudice.

Equality and diversity is treating everyone equally regardless of colour, gender, age and race. Its respecting service users individual rights allowing them as much control over their own lives as possible.

Health and safety is identifying work place, hazards and reducing accidents.

Unit 201 Outcome 3

My role as a night care support worker contributes to the overall delivery of the service in our residential care setting.

My main duties are to ensure residents get supper and night time medication before they retire to bed, regular checks during the night are done to ensure they are safe and well. I also do the ironing to ensure they have clean laundered clothes, then I ensure the house is clean and tidy by brushing the floors, mopping and dusting. Stationary is plenty and all forms are readily available in appropriate file, MAR

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