

Decent Essays

Urticaria, commonly called as hives, appears as raised, smooth elevated papules or plagues well-circumscribed areas of erythema and edema involving the dermis and the epidermis that are very pruritic and red rashes. It may be acute less then six weeks or chronic more then six weeks. Urticaria may be confused with a plenty of other skin diseases that are similar in appearance and are also pruritic. Urticaria is often as isolated disease without systemic can be rarely develop with an anaphylactic reaction. If any swallowing or edema problem like joint swallowing and join pain is present, immediate medical treatments should occur. Some time acute urticaria may also be associated with life-threatening anaphylactic shock or angioedema, …show more content…

The histamine and its mast cell content remain central to the pathophysiology of the pruritic wheal and rashes are in the most forms of urticaria, and synthesis, storage, regulation of release of histamine as well as molecular characterization of its receptors are becoming well understood. (3). The challenge of the past fifty years has been to understand the causation of the in discriminated activation of mucosal mast cells and dermal in chronic urticaria and angioedema (4). In 1980 the discovery of auto reactivity in the serum of some patients with chronic urticaria (the autologous serum skin test) was a successful step to promote and forward the attempts to identify and characterize this activity (5). The subsequent finding in chronic urticaria of specific complement-dependent autoantibodies, which release histamine and other mediators from mast cells and basophils through dimerization of their high affinity IgE receptors, has stimulated deep interest in the multifactorial modes of activation of basophiles and mast cell in this disorder (6). Antihistamines, discovered in the 1940s, remain the main step for treatment of most types of urticaria. Although recent quotient (“second-generation”) compounds that manifest and refined with great properties, they are often only moderately effective

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