
Use Of Pedagogies When Teaching Secondary Schools

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This document will review and critically analyse the use of pedagogies when teaching in secondary schools. This will be based on teaching at the Broad General Education level which covers students from secondary one to three.
Although pedagogies aim to provide the teacher with methods of teaching they are not always successful. There are a number of factors that should be considered before a pedagogical method or methods is selected, the subject to be taught being one of the main factors. The subject area is computing and the pedagogies that will be examined are “Constructivism”, “Learning through making” and “Traditional”.
Another factor that can influence the chosen pedagogy is the way that the students in the class learn and process …show more content…

The definition of ‘Pedagogy’ is, as noted in the Oxford English Dictionary is, “The method and practise of teaching, especially as an academic subject or theoretical concept” (Oxford Dictionaries, 2015)
Although the definition above states the basic meaning of pedagogy, it has changed and developed over the years. Watkins & Mortimore claimed, after carrying out a review of researched literature on pedagogy, that due to knowledge becoming more differentiated and integrated the conception of pedagogy has become much more complicated. This can be attributed to an enhanced understanding of cognition and metacognition, which has then affected the idea of pedagogy (Watkins & Mortimore, 1999).
Due to ICT having various uses within education, those being, the subject of ICT and using ICT within another subject, it has in turn had an impact on pedagogies and the way they may have to change (Cox, 1997).
Constructivism, which is a learning theory and pedagogy, is based on the understanding of cognition and that learning does not transpire from merely being given information that is recorded, but by the way the individual learner construes this information (Resnick, 1989).
Constructivism Pedagogy
Fosnot states that constructivism “describes knowledge not as truths to be transmitted or discovered, but as emergent, developmental, non-objective, viable constructed

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