It is important to critically analyze sources so that one can determine if a source is a good fit. Some sources are filled with false, bias, or even outdated information. These types of sources can result in one’s writing to decrease in credibility. Critically analyzing a source will help to filter out sources such as these that negatively impact one’s research. One way critically analyze a source is to research the author. Past writings, education, and the credentials of an author will help determine if their works will be valuable to one’s study. The use of scholarly sources is more appropriate for academic research because it helps to increase the quality of one’s paper. Scholarly sources tend to have a higher level of reliability
sources I used provided different information, some provided more than others, but all sources were needed to complete the essay. In collecting all the information for the essay, I had to research who created the source and decide if it was credible. This essay assignment force me to examine works in
Part Two: Explain why academic and professional research must use credible sources and explain the reasons that credible sources are more likely to be found using the online library than using general
In the novel Their Eyes Were Watching God by Zora Neal Hurston, Hurston, the author uses figurative language to compose images to express her theories on love and freedom and how they affect happiness. Janie Mae Crawford struggles to find the love freedom she has longed for her whole life and finally receives it, due to the loss of Jody Starks and the discovery of Tea Cake. Janie is telling the story of her life to her friend Phoebe and explaining all of the events that lead up to her return to the town she once called home. Janie experiences her first burst of freedom when she finally decides to run away her first husband Logan Killicks after a massive fight. “A feeling of sudden newness and change came over her.
Three ways an individual can critically analyze sources to determine if they are scholarly and credible are authority, accuracy, and coverage. It is serious to tell the concepts you discover on a site to a specific writer, association, or corporate. A source of data is
What are some of the things that determine whether a source is creditable? First is relevance; Ms. White’s article was written in February of 2015 (White). All of the studies she used were published in 2015, making them very current. When it comes to economic discussions, this is crucial, as economics can quickly change.
When looking at each of the articles presented, there are defining factors that allow researchers to determine whether or not it is a scholarly or popular resource. Of the two articles, one can assert that the USA Today Article is a popular source and the article by Baker and Algorta (2016) is a scholarly source. Each of these sources has their advantages and disadvantages due to the stylistic devices employed by the writers. With the help of each article, knowledge of readers and viewers is expanded, and while there are some facets that detract from the quality of the knowledge gained, the readers benefits from the time spent reading.
My last few sources were for quotes and small evidence throughout the research paper. I
Example Passage 1 Integrate the quotation into the passage as if the passage is a sentence in your research paper. Include appropriate transitions as well as APA-formatted in-text citations and reference. Delete elements of the passage or quotation as needed. · Passage: Some might argue that traditional good looks are not an indication of a person's real attractiveness. · Quotation: "The philosophical dimension of beauty does not depend on the limits of the physical world; true beauty far exceeds our earthly bounds." · Reference: Roger McMichaels. A Deeper Look at Beauty. New York: Graymark, 1995. The quoted material is taken from page 22. Integrated passage: The concept of interpersonal attractiveness is highly subjective, with cultural influences and private preferences playing a significant role. Some might argue that traditional good looks are not an indication of a person's real attractiveness, a sentiment captured eloquently by Roger McMichaels, author of A Deeper Look at Beauty, when he observed that "the philosophical dimension of beauty does not depend on the limits of the physical world; true beauty far exceeds our earthly bounds" (1995). The crux of McMichaels statement is that, while beauty can obviously be based on physical appearance, a person who is beautiful in the true sense of the world possesses far more valuable qualities. Reference citation:
Credibility Statement: Recently I have researched this topic with the aid of various academic journals, magazines, books, and newspapers.
A student at Walden University will write in a scholarly manner and follow the principles and guidelines for doing so. It is of importance for a student to obtain research material that supports their writing from credible sources. With the Walden University library, a student can ensure that they are using credible sources for research material, reviewed, by peers and other scholars in the field. Programs such as grammerly provide the students of Walden University with the additional resources to check grammar and punctuation. The combination of these sources enables the student to improve their writing skills and achieve a scholarly writing style.
Although scholarly and popular sources are different regarding the manner in which they are written, the information provided in either can be beneficial to the reader. Hitting news stands as well as researcher’s desks, the issue of the effects of technology on children is becoming an issue around the world. Scholarly sources tend to be longer, with more insight, typically meant for researchers, faculty, and scholars. Popular sources offer insight into the topic as well but are geared towards a general broad audience. Both popular and scholarly sources offer a specific interpretation of the issue at hand in interrelated ways.
The resources used can also be deceiving and seem to be qualified, but may only be just an opinion of that author. To avoid this, we must use scholarly, peer-reviewed articles to back up our statements.
A credible and reliable source can be determined through characteristics in spelling/grammar, citations and examples used within a document, and the author. Once a reliable and credible source has been identified you can use it in any research paper that will help improve your skills as a writer, and make your writing as reliable as the sources that allowed you to write it. When creating a reliable and credible source use ethos and logos to help support your claim, to enhance your authority and provide logical
I have used scholarly journals and articles from credible authors, writers, and speakers. All of my sources are beneficial to this topic.
Choosing wisely between reliable and unreliable sources is important because one would not want to waste time on unreliable sources that give out false information. Most importantly if its for a large project or for a school assignment.