
Uterine Isolation Essay

Decent Essays

Amongst the cases presented in the American Medican Association (AMA) Journal of Ethics Case Index I have chosen to discuss the one titled “The Question of Uterine Isolation in Catholic Health Care Ethics”.
The scenario in summary is as follows: A catholic woman undergoes her fifth Caesarian-section in a catholic hospital. Given that under such circumstances future pregnancies pose serious risks for both the mother and the child, the surgeon discusses alternatives to avoiding future pregnancies with the woman, including hormones, condoms, abstinence, and tube ligation.
How might this scenario play out or impact you in your role as a nurse practitioner?
This is a challenging situation for me as a nurse practitioner and a practicing catholic.
As a catholic, it is difficult to convince a catholic mother to voluntarily stop giving birth permanently through this method (tubes ligations). Furthermore, the procedure is to be performed in a catholic hospital.
As a nurse, I understand the severe consequences related to subsequent pregnancies in this woman who is undergoing a fifth c-section. Based on evidence, this woman is at high risk of uterus rupture leading eventually to death of both her and the baby (Rozenberg, 2005). …show more content…

Under the conditions described in this case, performing a tube ligation would be for the sole purpose of preventing subsequent pregnancies. The procedure would therefore be considered an intentional direct sterilization. In addition, it would be illegal to perform this procedure at this point. In fact, the law requires full informed consent followed by a waiting period of 30 days or at least 72 hours in the case of emergency surgery or premature delivery (U.S. Department of Health & Human Services, 2016). Furthermore, performing tubal legation, would be against catholic teaching as the purpose is to prevent future procreation and nothing

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