
Video Director Research Paper

Decent Essays

Job description
A video editor edits videos for film or a production. Also, synchronize sounds with a music track or an image. Sometimes manage a broadcasted production or presentation.

Job description
Some of the responsibilities include “stringing together raw footage into a continuous whole according to scripts or the instructions of the directors and producers” for video productions (“Film and Video Editors”). A requirement for this job is to look at the film and the scripts to make sure that they match up. Also, to combine the video segments to a certain length to get the desired effect.

Skills and personality traits needed.
Having the ability to listen and to give your full attention to others is a necessary skill. Being able to “understand written sentences and paragraphs in work related documents” …show more content…

The average salary approximates $60,000 per year. The beginning salary is around $30,000 although an experienced video editor can earn up to $155,000 annually. “These types of occupations require communication and organizational skills that may lead to supervisor and management positions.” (Film and Video Editors).

Working environment
The working environment for this job is mainly indoors and in an office. Most of the time will be spent sitting in front of a computer screen. This job only requires a small amount of physical activity.

Positive and negative factors
Positive factors of being a film editor include that the average pay is $60,000 per year. This position can be working for a movie company or self-employed. A negative factor is having to meet strict deadlines in this job which then requires longer working hours.

Interesting facts
Help a film come to life. “Correct production errors, edit dialogue and insert music into a video” ("Video Editor Careers: Salary Information & Job Description"). Some of the programs offer training in screenwriting. You can also train for well- equipped labs and

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