
Video Games Bad

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Video games, are they bad for you? Research shows video games don?t have a negative effect on teens such as making them more violent, cause addictive tendencies, and shows how efficient the rating system is. In today?s world more and more teens are playing video games. Many people think its effecting the way teens behave. There are reports that mature video games are the cause of shootings, but there is much more evidence that entails a different cause. In ?10-Country Comparisons Suggest Little Or No Link Between Video Games And Gun Murders? written by Max Fisher states ?Data suggest a slight downward shift in violence as video game consumption increases?. This suggest that video games have a positive effect on gun violence. School shootings have been blamed on violent video games but there are many other things not included, like they may have been bullied at school or a mental issue. So some of the blame is left not answered for. The amount of video game consumption in America is much like other places in the world that has significantly fewer gun deaths. (Kain, Eric Violent Video Games 2015) According to Kain and Eric,? The number of violent youth offenders in the United States fell by more than half between 1994 and 2010 while video game sales doubled …show more content…

Every game you buy from a retailer comes with a rating in the back of it. This rating comes from the ?Entertainment Software Rating Board or ESRB? (Paul B. Violent Video Games 2015) The way the ESRB rates games is effective and detailed. It tells you if there is alcohol, tobacco, violence, or gore. Video Game Developers aren?t required to send their game to be rated, but if they don?t retailers will not sell it to the public. The ESRB is much stricter than other rating systems if you aren?t the right age you can?t get it without parents? consent. The ESRB gives the parents control over teens without limiting free

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