
Video Games Contribute To Childhood Obesity: Article Analysis

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Based on the author, endless and uncontrolled playing with electronic visual entertaining has an adverse effect that causes several diseases in kids. Christopher points out that youngsters "who spend more than two hours a day" on computers can go through serious problems and "may suffer from childhood obesity." The writer adds evidence from University of Texas at Dallas to her assertive claim that the youth can experience more health issues other than excessive weight increasing, such as pain in the back, head, and wrist. The article "Do Video Games Contribute to Childhood Obesity?" on the website http://www.livesh· reinforces Christopher’s believes. In paragraph 1, Loop introduces the article by stating, "Although genetics and diet …show more content…

Loop suggests that even if the youth-electronic-games-players tend to be inactive, "this is not always the case." Furthermore, she supports her claims by a study about the relation between weight and video game on "482 children" done by Linda Jackson, a psychology professor in Michigan State University. The data reveals that there is no correlation between video game and obesity. Moreover, the author defends computer by saying that not all influences are negative and infers that sometimes visual games can help youngsters to be …show more content…

All these negative behavior changes occurred after his father gave hin1 the PlayStation. It seems that C1u'istopher is right that playing with electronic games affects youth's interaction with people around them because the only motivation for my nephew to do anything or to join our family gathering was time given later to play on his PlayStation.
Despite that, in my point of view, cutting video games from a child's life will have more unfavorable impact than good. If parents find a way to communicate with their own kid through his preferences for entertaining electronic devices, this will build a stronger relationship. For the parents who stl1lggle to find a common ground with their child, here is a way that might help.
First, on the weekend, put computer gaming as a part of the family activities. In that way you will give your kid an impression that his interest is important for the family, and he will reward you back his tl1lSt. Second, when the time comes for playing on electronic devices, set firm roles that will control the exposure portion such as, a timed-competition that after a period of time a winner will be announced. Setting a challenge will trick the tiny human that it is a game,

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