Based on the author, endless and uncontrolled playing with electronic visual entertaining has an adverse effect that causes several diseases in kids. Christopher points out that youngsters "who spend more than two hours a day" on computers can go through serious problems and "may suffer from childhood obesity." The writer adds evidence from University of Texas at Dallas to her assertive claim that the youth can experience more health issues other than excessive weight increasing, such as pain in the back, head, and wrist. The article "Do Video Games Contribute to Childhood Obesity?" on the website http://www.livesh· reinforces Christopher’s believes. In paragraph 1, Loop introduces the article by stating, "Although genetics and diet …show more content…
Loop suggests that even if the youth-electronic-games-players tend to be inactive, "this is not always the case." Furthermore, she supports her claims by a study about the relation between weight and video game on "482 children" done by Linda Jackson, a psychology professor in Michigan State University. The data reveals that there is no correlation between video game and obesity. Moreover, the author defends computer by saying that not all influences are negative and infers that sometimes visual games can help youngsters to be …show more content…
All these negative behavior changes occurred after his father gave hin1 the PlayStation. It seems that C1u'istopher is right that playing with electronic games affects youth's interaction with people around them because the only motivation for my nephew to do anything or to join our family gathering was time given later to play on his PlayStation.
Despite that, in my point of view, cutting video games from a child's life will have more unfavorable impact than good. If parents find a way to communicate with their own kid through his preferences for entertaining electronic devices, this will build a stronger relationship. For the parents who stl1lggle to find a common ground with their child, here is a way that might help.
First, on the weekend, put computer gaming as a part of the family activities. In that way you will give your kid an impression that his interest is important for the family, and he will reward you back his tl1lSt. Second, when the time comes for playing on electronic devices, set firm roles that will control the exposure portion such as, a timed-competition that after a period of time a winner will be announced. Setting a challenge will trick the tiny human that it is a game,
“Electronic games are now an everyday part of childhood and adolescence” (Olsen, 2010). Considering children and adolescence are our future, parents need to consider and monitor how these electronic games are affecting their child. There are more studies afloat that report the negative affects of video games over the positive effects until recently. Children and adolescents become addicted to video games easily so it is important to monitor what they are playing and how it is affecting them and their character. A recent study on many boys and girls reported why they are
Side effects of video games number just about as many types of video games that people play. In Lisa Weber’s article “Positive Effects of Video Games on Children,” she states several benefits that children obtain when they play video games. Some of these advantages include the areas of social development, education, and an emotional outlet. As a result, Lisa clearly displays her stance on the positive side of the opinions of video games. However, electronic gaming contains a voluminous amount of pernicious effects. When young adults and children partake in video games, they come across numerous experiences that could have a negative influence on their lives.
“Electronic games are now an everyday part of childhood and adolescence” (Olsen, 2010). Considering children and adolescence are our future, parents need to consider and monitor how these electronic games are affecting their child. There are more studies afloat that report the negative affects of video games over the positive effects until recently. Children and adolescents become addicted to video games easily so it is important to monitor what they are playing and how it is affecting them and their character. A recent study on many boys and girls reported why they are
Effects The researchers also warned that children playing games is not good, and I rarely use computer games, usually they like playing with toys or interact with friends.
Over the past decade, there are more than 90 percent of American children play video games for about two hours per day. It becomes really matter for parents to clarify if playing video games are good or bad for the health? Research has shown, there are many negative effects such as excessive television and video playing cause muscle pain, obesity, lack of vitamin D, sleep deprivation… which are related to video games playing. In addition, the effect of violent video games which were blamed to cause aggressive behaviors become a concerned by most of the parents and have been brought up to the Supreme Court. Parents request to prohibit video games which contain unappropriated content, can’t sale or rental by
The act of video games for children had been a controversy in today 's society for a very long time. One half of the argument believes video games are a positive act and the other half of the argument believes that video games are a negative act. Both parties have significant data backing up their own personal beliefs. There has been many studies done around the topic of children playing video games trying to conclude which side of the argument is correct which is very hard to do. Some of the studies prove that video games are a good thing for children, and some studies prove that video games are a bad thing for children. Although both sides have their own personal believes and studies, video games are a positive act for children because it benefits one 's cognitive skills, health, and social life.
Researchers found that each hour the children played video games doubled the likelihood that the child was obese (Warner). This is because children lack exercise by sitting on the couch playing video games. The researchers found that children who do not play video games had only a 6 percent chance of being overweight. Those who played an hour of games per day saw their chances rise to 9 percent. Two hours a day bumped that to 17 percent. And three hours of gaming per day resulted in a 23 percent chance the child would be overweight (Morris). Researchers at the University of Texas at Austin surveyed almost 3,000 children ages 1 to 12, recording their habits and calculating body mass indices. They found the children who played video games, which are considered sedentary activities, were more likely to be overweight than children who only watched television and didn't play video games (Study Links Childhood Obesity to Video Games). The study suggested that the heavier children spent more time in sedentary activities than thinner kids did.
Many video game supporters argue that videogames can be good for a developing child’s brain. The Interesting Neurology Of Gaming states that, “Gameplay involves repeated actions that strengthen the brain cell connections underlying memory and learning.” Kids who play video games regularly have been shown to be better at recalling things from memory and according to Linda Carroll, “Compared to children who didn’t play at all, those who games a few hours a week were better adjusted. They had fewer conduct problems. They were also more likely to care about others.” Many kids could benefit from gaming if it was in small doses and if the games were being monitored by parents to ensure that kids are playing games that are appropriate for their age.
What are video games? Video games are games programed by a computer programmer showing electronically made images on a television screen. There are different kinds of video games like action, fighting, action adventure, adventure, role playing, shooter, simulation, strategy, sport, survival horror, and fantasy. Video games can be purchased at many stores, for example Game stop, Walmart, Target, Best Buy, Amazon, Kmart, and Toys R Us. These games are so popular that some individuals choose to buy and play video games on the computer. The paper presents information on both sides, leading up to the proof that video games are more harmful to kids.
This argument is relevant because the young people only stop playing video games when they realize that they are starving, and need food, and at 4:15 in the morning. Furthermore, as argued by Joel Schectman in Heart Group Backs Video Games in Obesity Campaign, “We can keep beating the drum on traditional exercise and make small changes to the obesity epidemic” We can improve these problems by changing video games, there are some video games that try to do standing exercises. This helps the lovers of video games do more than just stay in the same position and
Across the continents, people are turning to new technological developments for entertainment. Unlike the previous generations who were fascinated by television and radio, the current generations are much more advanced regarding their choices of technology, relying on their smart phones, tablets, and game consoles to help them pass their free time. Today's youngest generation in particular, enjoys playing video games. Although parents may be concerned about the amount of time their children are spending on these video games, they should realize the numerous benefits to playing video games that have been identified, including increased problem solving skills and better grades, various health benefits, decreased stress and increased social
Playing video games too much can have negative effects on a child. Too much time playing video games can result in a child not spending anytime out side. They can get lost within the game and play for hours on end (Hughes, 2014). A child should not loose touch within their own brain, within the brain they have their own creativity, their imagination. When children do not use their imagination, they do not play like their parents did when their parents were younger. A little factual information, children at the age of eight consume 13 hours a week playing video games, and children between 13 to 18 years of age spend 14 hours a week playing video games(Hughes, 2014). The amount of gaming that these children play is just amazing. The down side is that video games take away so much of a child’s day, that the child could be missing out on enjoying a beautiful day outside when the weather is nice. Children mostly do not like to play the
Since the 1950s, the effects of videogames have been debated on whether it is harmful to kids.(Carey) During the years, various videogames have developed more gruesome content and have been blamed for crimes such as school shootings. But in recent searches people have found that studies connecting videogames and violence are frequently flawed. Additionally, people have stated that it influences kids into immoral behaviors but, it actually can improve their behavior. It is also scientifically proven that videogames are beneficial in various ways.
Video games is a brand new product and our body hasn’t evolved and adapted to all of the rapid technology growth that is happening this instance. Video games can cause so many things to both our mental and physical state, that is why they shouldn’t be use by young adults whos brain are still fragile and in the development state.It makes kids less active, it waste time and is making us less social. Video games were just introduced to us a couple decades back , It was designed by adults but wasn’t meant of kids .So could this piece of technology could do any harm to us?
Technology innovation usually changes the world in certain aspects that affects human life, especially when it comes to childhood development. There are strong arguments on both sides regarding about how video games affects child development. Yet, it´s common knowledge that everything that is overused, like play games for more than certain amount of hours, is not good for your health, even drinking too much water can be harmful. On one hand we have scientists claiming that video games are the future of education but on the other hand, some games have aggressive exposure that might reflect in child comportment.