
Violence And Crime Plagues Societies Essay

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Violence and crime plagues societies all over the world. It is an issue that almost all communities suffer from. I believe that we can use Geography to help come up with solution to reduce the rate of crime across the United States and other countries all over the world. In this paper, I’m going to discuss the problems with crime we face in this country, the damage that crime can do to a society, and the multiple different ways we can use geography to bring down the rate of crime and violence.
Using geography, you can spot trends in crime. In locations with high social inequality and widespread poverty, you will often see very high levels of violence. High Urbanized areas on the other hand sees crime in a different manor. Particularly in drug use, especially amongst the youth. (Manuel 2002). You can also see, as crime rates go up, whether its drug offences or more violent behaviors, property values in the area start to decrease. This is very damaging for lower income cities and neighborhoods, as they have found that this decrease in property value is often twice as harming in those locations (Lens, Michael, and Meltzer 2016). Once a city begins to decline, its problem grows. Since arrest for drug and alcohol related crimes are much more prevalent in the lower income areas (Lipton, et al, 2013). So with the crime rate increasing as the city declines, it’s property values will drop more and more, causing a long lasting effect on the city.
Crime can do great harm to a

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