
Virtualization Technology For Cloud Computing Essay

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Virtualization Technology in Cloud Computing Environment Dr. Rajender Nath1, Nidhi2* 1 Professor and Chairperson, Department of Computer Science and Applications, Kurukshetra University, Kurukshetra, Haryana, India. 2 Research Scholar, Department of Computer Science and Applications, Kurukshetra University, Kurukshetra, Haryana, India. Abstract-- In internet era, cloud computing is one of a biggest technology in human hand. Cloud computing helps to overcome the problems of data loss, accessing data whenever needed and data security. Cloud computing mainly service oriented and it concentrate on reducing cost, hardware and pay just for service concept. In addition to share the data one of the important technology in the cloud computing is virtualization. Mainly it is used to maintain the collection IT resources which are used by the cloud providers. The main goal of the virtualization is providing ability to run the multiple operating systems on a single machine buy sharing all the resources that belong to the hard ware. In this paper our main aim is to provide the basic knowledge about the virtualization technology in cloud computing and how it acts in the cloud computing environment. Keyword-- Virtualization, Traditional servers, virtual servers, effects of virtualization, cloud computing architecture. I. INTRODUCTION Cloud computing is one of the most useful technology that is been widely used all over the world. It generally provides on demand IT services and

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