
Visual Merchandise Guidelines For Retailers

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Since approximately 90% of cues provided by an environment are digested through sight (Edwards & Shackley, 1992), more than ever it is a vital time for retailers to be reviewing their strategies with respects to their Visual Merchandise Guidelines. Continuously, consumers are opting to take their purchases online rather than experiencing the physical store environment. With constant innovative technologies, retailers are finding novel ways to recreate the in-store environment on-screen; with the high street being described as acting on ‘borrowed time’ (guardian 2012). Retailers, such as New Look, are keen to add any service that can generate sales and win intensified competitive share; it is therefore crucial that the Visual Merchandise …show more content…

This research book, along with the developmental book will explore the stages involved in order to reach the final output, particularly focusing on the design development for the final output.
Visual Merchandising is everything the customer sees, both exterior and interior, that creates a positive image of a business and results in attention, interest, desire and action on the part of the customer.”
Bastow Shoop et al., 1991
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Who Are New Look?
New Look began in 1969 as a single fashion store in the UK. From there, it has grown to become a leading fast-fashion brand, with over 600 stores throughout the UK and over 200 across Europe, China, North Africa, the Middle East and Asia (New Look, 2014). New Looks transactional website now ships to over 120 countries worldwide generating 10% of revenues (New Look annual report, 2013). New Look thrives on reacting quickly to the latest trends and interpreting them in a way that’s wearable for customers. Their annual report of 2013 highlighted them as the UK’S largest retailer (by value) of clothing and accessories for under 39’s (New Look annual report, 2013).
Current situation
New look operates within the value-clothing segment, which has an estimated value of £12.5bn and currently represents 30.4% of the overall UK clothing market (New Look Annual Report, 2014). Consumer confidence has changed as consumers are more

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