
WWII Argumentative Essay

Satisfactory Essays

Many Americans considered WWII to be the good war for several reasons. Unlike many conflicts that the US has been in since WWII, such as the Korean and Vietnam wars, there was no moral ambiguity. Nazi Germany and Imperial Japan were extremely cruel and started the war. Another major factor during WWII was that the entire country supported the war efforts, especially because the US only entered the war after it was directly attacked. However, since WWII, America’s home front has not expressed complete support in their involvement in wars.

The Vietnam War is one of the most controversial wars America has been involved in. One of the main reasons that Americans perceive the Vietnam War negatively is because the home front during the war was tense and very torn. Compared to WWII many Americans were completely against the US's involvement in the Vietnam War. There were countless marches, speeches and protests against the troops and the way they were handling things. Americans did not believe that the US had any business being in the war, and felt that the countless US soldiers who died because of the war was unnecessary and not justified. …show more content…

Americans regard the Korean War as a brief affair conducted in a country that most people had never heard of during that time. The fighting was cruel and inglorious, and the fact that the war didn't end conclusively ultimately led to the war not registering the same way in the US psyche as other wars. After WWII, America rippled with euphoria from their victory in the war. Consequently, due to the huge success of WWII, the Korean War appeared to be trivial to US citizens. Furthermore, because the US never officially declared war, American citizens believe that the US really had no stake or reason for fighting in

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