Prior to the devastating September 11, 2001 terrorist attack, the level of preparedness of local and federal first response agencies including Fire Department of New York (FDNY), the New York Police Department (NYPD), the Mayor’s Office of Emergency Management (OEM), and the Port Authority Police Department (PAPD) was not well organized (Kean & Hamilton, 2004). According to the Kean and Hamilton (2004) on 9/11 commission report, the following explain their prior preparedness. First, the PAPD did not have a standard operating procedure concerning how different commands should communicate over radio in case of a terrorist attack. This meant confusion in communication over radio in during the terrorist attack. Second, the FDNY’s radios performed …show more content…
The giant retailer identified important functions before, during and after the occurrence of a disaster. The retailer provided emergency support to its store. Its disaster distribution centers are located in areas that are at high risk of having a disaster. These disaster distribution centers have in-house meteorologist whose work is to interpret weather data that is provided by the government agencies, such as the National Oceanic, National Weather Service and Atmospheric Administration. Thus, Wal-Mart has updated information that can inform their decision concerning upcoming disaster allowing it to prepare adequately for disasters. According to FEMA (2015) NIMS describes emergency preparedness as a multi-hazard prevention planning and states that prevention plans form the basis for a society’s long term approach to lessen disaster losses and end the cycle of disaster damage, repeated damage, and …show more content…
While an educational grant award helps undergraduate and graduate students with financial needs, the education area has not been well addressed by the current training initiatives. Other areas that are considered to be inadequately addressed by current training initiatives include security and nationalism. For the purpose of priority, these areas will be ranked in the order of higher importance to less importance. In this case, education is considered more important followed by nationalism and
As stated earlier, the 9/11 attacks revealed the indomitable spirit of the US and awakened a sleeping giant, which was very reminiscent of the US response following the attacks by the Japanese on US forces in Hawaii. Both 9/11 and Pearl Harbor attacks galvanized the American people into action and caused the government to heavily invest resources to combat enemies of the US; the Axis enemies during World War II and “the terrorists”, wherever they may be located, following 9/11. One of the first NIST deficiencies to be corrected were the operational protocols for intra- and inter-agency communication. This, in part, has been addressed in the Incident Command System (ICS) since the purpose of ICS is to integrate operations between public safety entities at all levels of government.
Planning ties with one of the National Preparedness Goal’s mission area, that is prevention. The 9/11 events made DHS to aggressively change its focus to an “all hazards” approach. Prevention is a core component to accomplish this objective. However, for an effective prevention requires thorough planning. The private sector provides this type of service and DHS may hire a private sector entity to develop a prevention plan for them. In planning, all levels of government and private sector entities must coordinate with one another in developing and executing courses of action to prevent or reduce the impact of natural disasters or terrorist attack (Homeland Security, 2011). According to the National Preparedness Goal, planning is one of the mission are capabilities and preliminary targets of prevention (Homeland Security, 2011, p. 5). The private sector’s impact in planning with the DHS is essential for an effective prevention in support of the National Preparedness
Tragic events that cause damage to property and life may destroy the social, cultural and economic life of a community. Communities must be engaged in the various phases from prevention to recovery to build disaster resilient communities. In order to do this, there must be a disaster preparedness plan in place that involves multiple people in various roles.
A total of 19 men, split up in three groups of five and one group of four, passed all airport security checkpoints and boarded four airplanes. They all had knifes of some kind, attacked the cockpit about 30-45 min into the flight, threatened the passengers with fake bombs, and hijacked the plane with the intent on ramming them into important American locations. One hit the North Twin Tower of the World Trade Center, one hit the South Twin Tower of the World Trade Center, another hit the Pentagon, while the last never made it to its destination in Washington D.C., it crashed into a field 20 min from there. The response to the hit of the towers was immediate. Every kind emergency agency rushed to help. However, since they didn’t have standardized procedures on how to deal with something like this and there was no universal or shared radio system, it was utter chaos. Departments struggled to communicate with each other which complicated the task of relaying important information. The New York Times tells us, “Numerous firefighters, police officers and other rescue workers who responded to the initial disaster in Lower Manhattan were killed or injured when the buildings collapsed. Hundreds were treated for cuts, broken bones, burns and smoke inhalation.” (Schmemann,
The 9/11 attacks has changed how law enforcement response to terrorist attacks. Prior to 9/11 law enforcement were a bunch of entities that acted independently of each other. One of the major things that were affected during 9/11 was the communication and this hit to our communication infrastructure crippling how law enforcement, EMS and FDNY passed information. This attack changed how law enforcement responded to any terrorist attacks. After the terrorist attack law enforcement created a domestic counterterrorism unit to handle moments of disaster and terrorist attacks. These units worked in conjunction with other law enforcement agencies; the sharing of information is all funneled into one system called the Nationwide Suspicious Activity
Ensuring Resilience to Disasters has more tasking’s than another mission and involves many different agencies to accomplish those tasks. The four tasks are to mitigate hazards, enhance preparedness, ensure effective emergency response, and rapidly recover. The main agency that is responsible for these tasking’s is FEMA. FEMA’s mission is to “reduce the loss of life and property and protect communities nationwide from all hazards, including natural disasters, acts of terrorism, and other man-made disasters” (FEMA, 2017, p.2). FEMA works with federal and State services to assist them in accomplishing their goals. They also assist local services by assisting in setting up emergency management agencies (LEMA) and set guidance for Emergency Operations Planning (EOP). EOP’s are “plans that provide an overview of the jurisdiction’s preparedness and response strategies. It describes expected hazards, outlines agency roles and responsibilities, and explains how the jurisdiction keeps the plan current.” (FEMA, 2010,
September 11, 2001 showed that there were weaknesses in communication and emergency response. It also significantly changed the role police have with the prevention of terrorist acts. As Oliver stated, “... policing in the post-September 11 environment is not only a response to the specific events...but also an amalgam of change brought about by various political, economic, and social factors in the United States...” (Homeland Security for Policing, 2007, p. 43).
The terrorist attacks on September 11 changed America forever. The attacks led to President Bush creating the Department of Homeland Security which tried to centralize the federal response to all terrorist threats. However, local police, firefighters, and emergency medical technicians will still be the first to arrive at the scene of an attack. These first responders face a unique and increasingly dangerous task when reacting to a terrorist attack on US soil.
The horrific events of September 11, 2001, profoundly altered the way law enforcement agencies conducted business. The creation of new agencies arose, strategies, procedures, and training for law enforcement was necessary to prepare and combat terrorism. In this paper, I will analyze the before and after effects, the events of 9/11 caused in law enforcement agencies in the U.S. and what improvements I feel are needed to keep our nation safe from terrorism.
The safety audit will be performed at a Walmart location in Orangeville, Ontario. It is the biggest retail store worldwide with $482.1 billion in revenue and has 2.3 million associates. As I have worked there for the summer holding an instock position in the back room unloading trucks, I have gained knowledge and understanding on the safety issues and standards that exist within the company.
American Policing agencies have significantly changed since September 11, 2001, in a new age of international terrorism. American police departments agencies at all levels are now required to train for an increased amount of time and resources for possible terrorist attacks and to gathering the intelligence necessary to keep with the ongoing threats. Several police agencies have dedicating resources officers prepared for terrorist attacks and who gather information to head off possible risks. Local police often have to prevent, plan, and respond to medical, evacuations and security events which they did not have to in the past. Policing is commonly used to secure community event and increase patrols in worship places and other landmarks that
8). Therefore, although the attacks of 9/11 generated alterations in our national defense strategies, it additionally adjusted law enforcement policies immensely (Brooks, B. E., 2010, p. 113). It is now more common to have squads of police officers, such as SWAT teams, with specialized training in preventing future terrorist attacks. With exceptions to some officers at the local level, many of these specially trained teams are made up of state and national law enforcement. There are several local law enforcement agencies throughout America that do participate in anti-terrorism training, but on a larger scale many of these local departments lack the necessary training needed to prevent such threats. Therefore, local police departments, who lack special training, depend on the departments that are qualified to aid them. Likewise, the training these lower level law enforcement officers obtain varies greatly than that of state and national law enforcement. Despite the quantity of officers in local law enforcement departments, it is essential that each individual officer undergoes the preparations that are essential to be well equipped for reacting to a threat of terrorism. These preparations are crucial in that local law enforcement officers are often the first responders to these attacks, therefore they should be familiar
Local protective measure planning equips first responders with the knowledge needed to organize efficient response results in the event of an emergency. Structured open dialogue between local emergency jurisdictions enables responders to delegate the appropriate individuals and equipment resources to the impacted local areas requiring the most aid following a terror event. By establishing a streamlined communication framework, local emergency responders can collaborate their efforts and resources to promote collective well-being. When a local emergency plan specifies what responders and resources belong where and at what time, response overlap and shortages can be avoided. Unionized response action established prior to a terrorist incident, serves to mitigate the risks, hazards and threat of injury or harm the people and property of the US face when a terrorism event occurs. Furthermore, a structured local emergency operations plan for a hazardous materials incident involving a terrorist is imperative to public health and safety, as the blueprint outlines protective measures the public can follow to minimize their exposure to dangerous substances. The people of a community affected by a terror event can be warned and notified of the event’s associated dangerous materials, which threaten their well-being, through a variety of methods such as warning sirens or horns, emergency alert systems, automated
Discuss the approach your organisation used to manage its new initiatives especially new product developments.
Risk for disasters is a part of life; emergency situations occur more frequently than many people believe. A wise person plans for the worse, and hopes for the best. After a disaster, how well a community can recover will depend largely on how well they prepared in advance. Risk management includes identifying any potential risks to a community and proactively planning to minimize the threat. Proactive organization of resources and people to respond to emergencies can mean the difference between a community’s ability to regroup and recover, and the loss of life. To better