
Walmart 's Reputation For Unfair Labor Practices

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Walmart is the one of the biggest retailers in the United States and one of the foremost and influential corporations in America. It has become one of America 's most successful retail chains by offering “everyday goods at low prices” for middle and lower class families. Even with all of its financial success, the company cannot open a store without dealing with an abundance of protest groups. Walmart always overcomes these groups, but nonetheless there is always opposition against them. Walmart has had a reputation for unfair labor practices by refusing unionization, offering really low wages, and discrimination. The protest groups defend local store owners, the environment, employee salaries, and discrimination against various minority groups. Walmart displays an image of being charitable and giving back to the community, but they are responsible for unjust and discriminating actions in the United States. To maintain its low-cost strategy, Walmart has been involved in ethically questionable practices, including gender discrimination in promotion and pay. While the Supreme Court recently ruled against class certification of 1.5 million women in the Dukes v. Walmart case due to a lack of proof that Walmart operated under a “general policy of discrimination”, there is much evidence that shows that gender discrimination is still a problem rooted in the culture of Walmart, despite gender-neutral policies (Biskupic, 2011). During the 1950’s and 60’s in northwest Arkansas, a

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