
Warren And Arden: A Positive Social Network

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It is very important to have a positive social network that is also very supportive. Generally, the two main motives for social interaction are for information seeking and emotion regulation. Someone who does not hold all of his or her emotions in and can talk to someone is bound to be psychologically healthier than someone who does not have that opportunity. It is easy for older people to feel lonely when they are losing their friends, spouses, and family member to old age. Someone with more social interactions with others can also be physically healthier. Whether it is because they have someone there to help him or her complete tasks that they struggle to do or the fact that they can get out of the house and interact with others. The textbook states, “Decreases in negative affect and increases in positive affect and emotional control indicate that the emotional lives of older adults are more pleasant and manageable relative to their younger counterparts.” According to …show more content…

Friends actually play a big part in someone’s life just as much as a family member would. A good example of this is the story of Warren and Arden who met at Wal-Mart. Both of these men were trying their best to cope with the stresses of aging on their own until they met each other. Arden struggled with a lot of things including taking care of his wife, who had some disabilities. Warren was a very good friend and tried to be as helpful as possible. After Arden’s wife passed away they still continued to be just as good of friends. According to activity theory, “older adults strive to maintain their level of social interaction by substituting new roles when old roles are lost.” I think this is exactly what Warren did Warren basically took care of Arden. He cut his hair, took him shopping, and even cooked him breakfast. After Arden passed away Warren continued to live on his

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