
Water Intake During Hot Weather

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Dehydration is a condition that occurs when the loss of body fluids, mostly water, exceeds the amount that is taken in. (eMedicineHealth) Many people, particularly older adults, don 't feel thirsty until they 're already dehydrated. (Mayo Clinic) That 's why it 's important to increase water intake during hot weather or when you 're ill.
Many of us are experiencing Spiritually Dehydration and we don’t even know it.
Life can drain us, leaving us to wither away. This may not be in the form of physical death but an expiration of dreams, goals, and visions. Of Hope. If there is little or no hydration in our lives, we cannot bare viable fruit. Every day we pour of ourselves by helping others, speaking life into others and just day-to-day …show more content…

We look to material stuff. We look to unstable sources. When we get tired of seeking after the wrong thing, we will stop. When we realize that it is God’s Way of Living that we really should be desiring, we will understand that He is the only one who can teach us how to be replenished, how to be refreshed.
Are You Tired Yet?
When one has children, they do what they can to lead them in the right direction. When you tell them something to do and they want to do it their “own way”, at some point, you let them so that they can see how that works out for them. Often, they will find that their method did not give them the outcome they desired so they must backtrack and follow your instructions. The result: Their Desired Outcome. This model is how God handles us. He gives us instruction and leads us in the right direction but we think that we know what we are doing so we choose to do things our way. We find ourselves running around, getting worn out but not even going anywhere. How is that working out? Just as we have the BEST intentions for our children, God has the BEST intentions for us. We must learn to follow His instructions, otherwise, we will find ourselves going in unnecessary circles. God has given us all the principles that we need to manifest abundance in our lives. We simply need to believe them and apply them. There comes that point in life that you just get tired. Tired of the bills piling up with no resources to eliminate them. Sick of getting

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