
We Must Define X As X

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Given a perfect teleportation has taken place, destroying all atoms in the person’s body and then recreating them in another place, the new person will be qualitatively identical, but could be considered numerically identical or not to the person existing prior to the teleportation, depending on our beliefs. By looking at specific examples we can determine the most reasonable belief. All of the criterion’s I will cover have the same basic structure: X is identical to Y if Y has the same Q as X. Here we will define X as the person prior to teleportation, and Y as the person post teleportation/reconstruction, and we will examine whether each criterion holds for this teleportation. Let’s assume we accept the soul criterion, which states …show more content…

If this is the case, Y at t2 will now be connected to the same soul as X at t1 and they will be identical. If this is not the case, Y at t2 will not be connected to any soul, and therefore cannot be identical according to the soul criterion. Now let us accept the body criterion, which states that X at t1 is identical to Y at t2 if Y has the same body as X. Body here is defined as the physical characteristics of the body, not the substance such as atoms. The process of teleportation may completely destroy every atom that made up X, but now we have an identical replica, Y, with the same physical characteristics and therefore the same body. If the process of teleportation completely recreates X at t1 as Y at t2, we can say with absolute positivity that Y is identical to X. Finally let us accept the software-based memory criterion, which states that X at t1 is identical to Y at t2 if Y remembers the thoughts and experiences of X, and Y’s remembrance is caused in the right way. By right way, we mean any reliable cause, excluding things such as false memories of experiences or hallucination induced thoughts. To analyze this criterion we must define how memories are stored in X and Y, and we will look at it from the view of the memories being held in the brain. If this is the case, when X’s atoms are destroyed and then recreated as Y, we know that the memories that were in X’s brain

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