still relax. He felt the driving situation was in control. If you have put God as the driver of your college education or career, He wants you to “sit back and ride.” Trust Him to straighten-up the crooked places on your career’s road. Just as cars were pulling out in the wrong lines when my husband was driving, he did not lose focus. As you pursue your degree God’s way, or you seek employment, the enemy will try to make you hurry God, or push you off the right road. The wicked one will tell you that pursuing higher education is needless and due to the current market competition, you will not get a job. Just like my husband remained focused (despite the careless drivers), when Satan launches his attacks, you must …show more content…
That’s wonderful. Now, let me show you how to focus upon God. What I am preparing to say might sound like an undergraduate or graduate student that you know: When the sun rises and the college student stumbles out of their dorm beds, the first thing they do is pick up their cell phone. They check their text messages and voice messages, and they look at the latest gossip posted on social network. What they can’t see is the enemy’s tactic to lure them into his daily deception. Once they have succumbed to the devil’s fraudulent ways, do you think they should sit back and wait for God to create paths to their college success? I learned that God always holds true to His part of the plan, but since we live in a high-tech informational wave, we become influenced by its profound trends. These new-day trends reach way past anything we have ever seen, and if we aren’t careful, we can get addicted to checking a quick text message; listening to a voice message, and connecting online with family or old friends. If we want to escape the temptation to move God outside our college life, which changes should cleave to, instead of reaching for our cell phone first thing in the morning, embrace an urge to communicate with the Lord God through prayer. In fact, what do you think would happen if we walked around with our Bible (as we carry our cell phones), and every time we had a college or career question, we open God’s Word to find the right
Apart from the idea that college degree does not decide the path of life, the author asserts that it is still worth people’s time. According to the author’s data, most people who do not own a college degree perform worse in careers
The degree is seen as a free (to the employer) screening tool to filter through the applicants. The employer sees the degree as a representation of the individual’s ability to learn as well as a level of perseverance desired in employees. Considering the social and economic pressures in today’s world, all individuals with the ability to attend college and achieve a degree should do so in order to better prepare themselves for a competitive job market.
Like my father, many are held back by the lack of education which makes living life comfortably an out of reach dream. But those who have persuaded a higher education not only gets to marvel in a good job but is benefited by the high
“Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world.” (qtd. in Quotes About Education” n.p.) “ Times have changed, higher education such as college is what most people need in order to have a successful career. Those who acquire higher education after high school tend to have a more successful career than those who do not acquire a higher education.
Ultimately the most crucial factor in one’s decision to go to receive a higher education should not be money based, but whether they are pursuing a career field that they at least enjoy if not love. Although it may be true for some that a higher education
I have the drive and determination to obtain a degree and finish school. In my family’s history, it was always a challenge to finish high school. I knew that I wanted to go further in life because I knew I had the potential to be something. I then worked hard to obtain my GED. After receiving my degree, I have attended school so that I can work in the health field to become a CNA. This was a great journey for me. I had come across many bumps in the road, but I kept the faith and I worked hard so that I can complete what I had started. I desired to be a finisher, to finish whatever project or task I begin. Completing the course for my GED was a great milestone, but when I finished school recently and passed all the required tests to become a CNA, it was the proudest moment of my life. That is when I really realized that there is nothing impossible or too hard for God. I realized that as long as I keep Him first then I can do anything I put my mind to do. I have really grown and understood what it means in the book of James where it states “faith without works is dead.” I’ve always had faith, but I needed to grasp the concept that in order to be successful in life, you have to work at
Although the future of higher education may seem trivial, it is in fact crucial in terms of today’s concern over unemployment. With the way the job force has changed due to the fall of the economy, we can no longer rely on our trade or jobs that were lucrative and provided enough income for our families in the past. As it has been proven at Evergreen State College, “despite the university’s reputation as a countercultural bastion, 82 percent of its graduates found full-time employment within a year, and 93 percent of those who applied got into graduate schools” (188). This idea alone proves the fact that one has a larger change of attaining a job, if one has a college education. The notion of having a better likelihood of obtaining a job, or broadening my options, puts my mind at ease about unemployment.
Today, degrees are reflecting strongly on people’s lives. The cost of college has become too high for every student or parent to afford, which makes it impossible for everyone to obtain a degree. College level has become too tough and beyond student’s reach and abilities, not anyone who obtaining a degree can get through other majors, such as physics or math, degrees don’t evaluate your skills neither your efforts. For the most important, jobs in our market have been evaluating their applicants’ qualifications through their degrees. Degrees demand beyond the reach of people’s abilities and solutions should be suggested to undermine degrees as a job qualification.
the real world. Finding a career after earning a college degree is challenging, and “it’s true that 2017 graduates are having a hard time finding jobs.”.(Callahan, paragraph 9) This came to light during a presidential debate, when a college student asked “How can you make it possible for me to be absolutely sure I can get a job with my degree?”, this kind of instability shows that college isn’t necessary for any kind of success.
Technology is everywhere. We use technology to do simple everyday tasks without even thinking about it. Technology is found in every item you buy, even your fridge can now have a TV build into it. Some wonder if we need all this technology or if it's hurting us in the long run. Craig Detweiler talking about technology and God in this book IGods.
In recent years, God has become a very important part of my life. I am determined to learn more about God and look forward to seeing what he has in store for me and my family. At one time God was not a big part of my life, I did not attend church regularly or feel close to him. I have always believed in God and Jesus Christ as our savior, but did not actively seek a closer relationship with him. I feel that much of that changed when I accepted my current job in a church based preschool program. After taking the position in the preschool, I was then offered a position in the church’s nursery on Sunday mornings. I accepted this position also and my son and I started attending Church every Sunday. In the time since, my husband, myself, and our children have all joined the Church, been baptized, and become very active in our Church. I feel that this was God’s plan for us all along. I feel that God guides our decisions each and everyday, and I now use prayer to seek his guidance for our lives.
Ever since I was a little kid, I have been going to church. Over the years, I have felt like I have come closer and closer to God. Through God, the church has influenced me to become a better person. They put me on the right path, helping me find the light that lead me out of the darkness. God, and more specifically the church, has given me hope and strength. They molded me into a person who looks forward to the future, and what I can accomplish. It is hard to believe that I will be going off to college soon. It seems just like yesterday that I started High School. However, as scary as the real world will be, I know I’ll have my family and friends to help. I know when I begin my work as a Computer Scientist, I will have God at the helm guiding
As much as I regret to admit it, I’m attached to my phone. I’m constantly reaching into my pocket to check the time, make sure I haven’t gotten a new update, or to send a message. I do this even when I’m not talking to anyone! It’s become an addiction, having to make sure I’m not missing anything, and I'm not the only one who has this problem. Seventy-five percent of the world population has a cell phone, and that number will only increase. With the creation of new technology portions of life have become easier. Technology has changed the way we go through life. It’s made talking to people easier, as well as keeping up with the lives of others. However, the effects have affected the aspects of our lives that don’t include technology.
My journey with God started in February of 1993, when I went to a ladies’ conference in Columbus, Texas. It was while the speaker was explaining that she knew there were some of us out in the audience, who felt guilty about something they had done in their past, and they did not feel that God could forgive them for it. But then she quoted from God’s word; “For I am convinced that neither death, nor life, nor angels, not principalities, no things present, nor things to come, nor powers, nor height, nor depth, nor any other created thing, will be able to separate us from the love of God, which is in Christ Jesus our Lord” (Rom 8:38-39 NASB) The speaker continued on to say that all we need to do is
Technology has become a great benefit to us but many people have taken it too far. According to researcher and surveys taken all over the world shows that a large number of people may have become addicted to their technological devices and are not able to make it through a day without their cell phones or other technological devices. Many have concerns that people would rather use these devices than to have a face to face conversation. The addictions of technological devices are on the rise. Although these devices were meant to make our lives easier there have been many problems to arise ranging from health risk, relationship problems, classroom, church, and work interferences. Statistics show that cell