
Website Analysis : Web Analytics

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Web Analytics is a relatively new phenomenon in the business world, and while it is not a mandatory requirement for organizations to compete in today’s marketplace it is becoming increasingly important as organizations strive to optimize their web presence. So what is web analytics and how can it help companies achieve a better web presence? Web Analytics is defined by the Web Analytics Association as, “The practice of measuring, collecting, analyzing and reporting on Internet data for the purposes of understanding how a web site is used by its audience and how to optimize its usage.” (ClarkU, p. 1) To simplify this definition we can say that web analytics is the process of determining how your website most effectively turns site visitors into customers.
Web Analytics can be broken down into two distinct categories which are Onsite analytics and Offsite Analytics. Onsite Analytics gives you the narrow view of your website as it only measures the visitor circulation on your website. This type of analytics would give your organization an idea of what pages on your website are most successful in turning visitors into customers and on the flip side which are the least effective pages. Offsite Analytics gives your organization a big picture view into how your company’s website compares to the websites of your closest competitors. While both categories are very important to companies who are engaged in web analytics, I believe that offsite analytics are much more important to an

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