
Week 3 Real World Application 3 Analytics Optimization Essay

Satisfactory Essays

Real World Application 3:
Analytics Optimization
Furius Stiles Music Group

Submitted to:
Professor Phillip Arlen

Full Sail University

Executive Summary In order to gauge how well analytics have been working for the website at it is important to look at the past trends of the website to determine where improvments can be made and find out what is working for the company. Trends with SMART Goals and KPIs Trend 1
Customers are coming to the site, but are not following through with orders.
SMART Goal: Obtain 5 orders for compositions over the next month
● At least 20 inquiries regarding compositions per …show more content…

This is to set a baseline of production on which to improve. Although the website was launched three months ago it has yet to make any sells. This needs to change. By adding specific milestones in which to reach over the next month a baseline of production can be established. Below are the SMART goals for this company. Definition of key performance indicators
Key performance indicators are metrics that allow an entity to recognize whether or not goals are likely to be met. They are benchmarks in the process of a project that indicate the estimated goals are on track Optimization Plan Trend 1
Customers are coming to the site, but are not following through with orders.
SMART Goal: Obtain 5 orders for compositions over the next month
● At least 20 inquiries regarding compositions per month.
● At least 1 sale within the first 6 days achieved.
○ Trend 1 Action Item 1:
Create clear calls to action on website to let the customer know that items are for sale and how to purchase.
■ Challenge: call to action is ignored due to lack of incentive on part of customer
● Solution: Ensure other settle calls to action are included on the website. ● Trend 1 Action Item 2: Create a cart on website to let customer know what items are currently in their cart and that they can pay for items. ○ Challenge:

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