
What Are The Advantages And Disadvantages Of Green Rating System

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Sustainability has now become a necessity in the urban environment. This is especially important in Malaysia, where the urban population is almost 75%. It is also situated in an equatorial and tropical climate region where increase urbanization will also increased warming of the land.

Green building practices can substantially reduce or eliminate negative environmental impacts through good design, construction and operation. As an added benefit, green operations and management can reduce operating costs, enhance building marketability, increase workers’ productivity, and reduce potential liability resulting from indoor air quality problems(5).

There are various types of green building rating system available globally. Among the well-known rating systems are LEED, …show more content…

While the may incur some high initial costs, the green certification can produce significant cost savings in the long run. This could, in turn, lead to increased profits.

Since the GBI certification in Malaysia has only been around for under 5 years, it is difficult to accurately quantify the cost savings. However, we can consider some examples of GBI in other countries to illustrate this.

One of the main criteria of the GBI is ‘energy efficiency’. This is congruent with green building systems in other places as well.

For example, in the Crowne Plaza in New york, hotel managers changed all incandescent light bulbs to compact fluorescent (CFL). While the cost of purchasing the new bulbs was significant, the long-term savings quickly offset these costs. The hotel spent almost $27,000 to change their bulbs, but expect to save more than $120,000 per year in electrical costs and $20,000 per year in labor. This is because the new bulbs use less energy and have a longer life span so they do not need to be changed

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