
What Are The Advantages And Disadvantages Of Book Industry

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Discounts ranging from two percent to 60 percent for selected goods and services subject to the terms and conditions set by participating companies. Among the companies involved are the university cooperatives, the Dewan Bahasa dan Pustaka Cooperative (bookstores), KFC (food and beverages), Hotel Seri Malaysia (tourism), Kuala Terengganu and Cooperative Celcom Berhad (IT products).

In the business, this KADS1M not only helps students and parents but also helps book companies. In the past, the use of books among students has become much less. This is because all the information can be obtained from the internet. Because it saves time easier, then students are no longer looking for books. However, with this incentives it will make the book companies can gain more profit. The book industry income is also shared by book writers in the form of honorarium and royalties, printing factories, paper suppliers, employees in special allowance. The KADS1M contributing to the development of …show more content…

There are a handful of students who are unaware of their education and pay little attention to the importance of education because of their poverty. Thus, this assistance from the government became an encouragement to them to continue learning and pursue their studies. It also creates a trust from the people to government because they feel the rulers are concerned about the students. The card can be used in more than 2,000 stores including bookstores, convenience stores and fast food shops as long as card holders are still studying at the higher education centre. Moreover, the government also managed to overcome the problems and issues of book vouchers such as money laundering and book vouchers and it shows the government are listening to the demands and needs of the citizen. The use of student debit cards can solve the problem of non-fraud in the allocation of book voucher

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