
Organelles In Animal Cells Essay

Decent Essays

Organelles are the internal structures of the cell that are important for the cell to survive. Each organelle has a specific function for the cell. The types of organelles in the cell can be different from each other depending on the type of cell. Plant cells and animal cells both have a cytoskeleton, endoplasmic reticulum (smooth and rough), golgi apparatus, mitochondrion, nucleus, plasma membrane, and ribosomes. Animal and plant cells also have vacuoles, but they are rarely found in animal cells. Vacuoles in animal cells are very small compared to the vacuoles in plant cells. Lysosomes are also rarely found in plant cells but mostly found in animal cells. The cytoplasm is a semifluid in the plasma membrane. It is in all eukaryotic cells. In prokaryotes, this is where the chemical processes of the cell take place. In eukaryotic cells, this is where organelles perform their functions. Cellular respiration also takes place here. One of stages of cellular respiration is glycolysis. Glycolysis is when glucose breaks down to form two pyruvates and 4 ATP. Its net result of 2 ATP is important for another process called the Krebs Cycle. This process is important because it begins cellular respiration. The cytoplasm also gives the cell its shape; without it, the cell would be “deflated” and substances would not be able to move throughout the cell. Organelles would have difficulty functioning too. It has been misunderstood that organelles float freely in the cytoplasm even

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