
What Are The Psychodynamic Model

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There are different types of mental health models, the disease model, medical models, psychodynamic models, behaviour model, cognitive mode, psychosocial model, biopsychosocial model, family therapy model, spiritual model, statistical model. The general believe is that individual can be disturbed or have troubled of his or her own mind. The phenomena are the understanding of these models. The Psychiatrists, have the major authority on mental health but they dominate the sector due to this influence, but lately other professional disciplines work and research in the field of mental disorder. Each discipline approaches the subject from their own point of view, using their own conceptual model to explain what they find before them. Therefore, there is no single model that has complete explanatory power. To fully understand a service user’s problems, it is often necessary to borrow from others. This would be the favoured approach from an eclectic practitioner. In reality people will often favour a pet model which they are familiar with and defend this against those supported by others. However, …show more content…

These feelings may be known to the patient and have formed during critical times in their life, due to interpersonal relationships, it could be as result of abuse of victim in the past or due to loss of close relation or incident. These or unconscious feelings are not covered during therapy, which can take place over a large number of sessions with a period of a year and above. A relationship is builds up between therapist and patient during therapy, which developed patient emotions and builds confidence and trust between the patient and the therapist, this relationship is known as transference to the patient and those therapist attaches to the patient is called counter transference. The application of this model is limit to other

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