
What Does It Change? Essay

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Daft explains organization development as a three-step process of unfreezing, changing and refreezing (Daft, 2014). Overcoming resistance to change occurs during the unfreezing stage where “people throughout the organization [are made] aware of problems and the need for change. This stage creates the motivation for people to change their attitudes and behaviors” (Daft, 2014). Participation of those directly affected by the change has been shown to be the most effective technique in reducing resistance to change and minimizing the disruptive period of organization readjustment that naturally follows any change in the workplace.
In an issue of the Harvard Business Review, Paul Lawrence describes a research study where four groups of employees were tested with a change to their operations. The first group was taken into a room and told what specific changes would occur and why. The third and fourth groups were given the opportunity to fully participate in what changes would happen and how they would be implemented: “[management] demonstrated the need for cost reduction … The groups then discussed how existing work methods could be improved and unnecessary operations eliminated” (Lawrence, 1969). The research results showed that the output of the group that had zero participation dropped by two-thirds for 30 days and the third and fourth groups “showed a smaller initial drop in output and a very rapid recovery not only to the previous production rate but to a rate that

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