
What Does Nostalgia Mean

Satisfactory Essays

I found 7 words in the book I am reading that I did not know very well before. They are: nostalgia, superflous, frivolous, transit, indigent, insolent, and province. Nostalgia means to have wistful affection for the past. The girl felt nostalgia about her previous home and missed it much. Superflous means unnecessary. His superflous actions did not help him much, as he though they would. Frivolous means not having a purpose or value. After the train had passed, they picked up the very frivolous and now quite flat penny from the railroad tracks. Transit means the passing of people or good from one place to another. The Titanic was in transit when it struck an iceberg. Indigent means poor or needy. The indigent family had not much to eat. Insolent

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