
What Is Compromise Hell By Wendell Berry

Good Essays

Have you ever thought about how your actions or opinions affected the environment around you? We’re constantly unaware of what we do that impacts the environment’s condition. One author named Wendell Berry blames the public in his article regarding the way society and the industry has treated the environment and its natural resources. This raises concerns whether we should be putting more importance on the economy or the land that we live in for the sake of our future survival. While I agree with most of Berry’s points and perspectives I slightly disagree with a few of his opinions, but nonetheless he brings up a great matter in today’s modern society.
In “Compromise, Hell!” Wendell Berry argues that we should be less submissive when it comes to environmental destruction. As an essayist, novelist, and poet, Wendell Berry has written over 30 books and has won several awards for his writing. Berry starts his article by scolding the American population for …show more content…

To what extent of the government’s efforts will help alleviate these concerns? Will people change their perspective towards environment around them? And will people actually start taking action to make change instead of being compliant? It’s hard to tell what will change in the near future but at least awareness is being raised for this issue. Berry argues that if we continue to be economically dependent on land and valuable natural resources, we will eventually deplete it all in the end. He proposes several solutions that could potentially improve this situation. Although not everyone will agree with his proposed suggestions, many will definitely agree with what he has said about the environment’s current

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