
What Is Grade Inflation In Higher Education

Decent Essays

Carter, Michael and Patricia Lara. "Grade Inflation in Higher Education: Is the End in Sight?" Academic Questions, vol. 29, no. 3, Sept. 2016, pp. 346-353. EBSCOhost, doi:10.1007/s12129-016-9569-5. In the article, “Grade Inflation in Higher Education: Is the End in Sight?” Michael J. Carter and Patricia Y. Lara asserts that “Many have condemned the trend toward grade inflation, noting that students spend less time studying in courses that inflate grades, and that students who receive inflated grades in introductory or preliminary courses often do poorly in advanced courses” (346). The authors claim, “show that changes in grade distributions in many campuses both CSUs and UCs have begun to plateau, but note that it may be premature to claim …show more content…

Carter and Patricia Y. Lara, I have concluded that the source is indeed credible as it has been retrieved from an Academic Search database and is a scholarly (Peer Reviewed) Academic Journal. The source is primarily informational but is also offering an argument. This source has added a lot of understanding to me on the issue of Grade Inflation, but its data was sourced from schools in the west coast, but it still can be relevant to the issue of Grade Inflation. I even discovered a new word “unabated” which means without any reduction in intensity or …show more content…

Floyd claims, “Much of what was written about for-profit colleges prior to the late l990s was either simple advocacy or abstract criticism” (121). Floyd also contends that “the two primary types of for-profit colleges are enterprise institutions and multi campus corporations” (122). Floyd argues that “For-profit colleges have successfully attracted students because they offer degrees in curricula that are in high demand from employers and students … Floyd also upholds that “The developmental direction of the for-profit sector is generally positive; career-oriented education is valued in public policy and by individuals” (123). Floyd suggests that “Many for-profit colleges now offer initial teacher preparation as well as graduate programs in professional education” (123). Floyd believes “70s and 80s, the for-profit sector was viewed as fostering unusual opportunities for access on the part of minorities and women” (124). Floyd asserts that “for-profit colleges successfully fought to loosen federal institutional requirements for Title IV student financial aid restricting the extent of part-time enrollment, online

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