
What Is Guided Reading?

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Midterm Exam

What is Guided Reading? Why is it important in teaching reading to primary students? Guided reading is an instructional approach where a teacher works with a group of students on the same reading level, and who demonstrate similar reading behaviors. Guided reading is highly important when it comes to improving a child’s reading skills. Which is why it is important that children begin guided reading as early as possible. Beginning guided reading during primary school can be beneficial to young students who are still learning to read. By having the children read aloud the teacher is able to identify where their strengths and weaknesses lie within their reading. Then the teacher may be able to group children together …show more content…

When we think about the components of reading instruction, we often view guided reading as a simple activity, when it is in fact a vital part of learning to read. Which is why it is important that teachers begin guided reading as early on as possible. Doing so allows the teacher to identify the areas students are struggling in and address them early on.
2. Why is oral language important in the early childhood classroom? List at least three ways (with examples) that we as teachers can support oral language in our classrooms. Many times whenever teachers think of oral language in the classroom, the believe it to be a bad thing, because for so long we believed that if you were talking then that meant that you weren’t learning. This could not be further from the truth, in fact oral language is the foundation for students learning. It is through Oral language that we learn important skills such as listening, expressive language, and vocabulary. We as teachers can help to support oral language in our classroom in many ways. The first way teachers can support oral language in their classrooms is by understanding that a child’s language or dialect reflects their values, identities, and even experiences of the child’s family and community. Once we understand this we can then allow our students to begin conversing with one another, it is during these

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