
What Is Intuition, And Can You Cultivate It? Essay

Decent Essays

What is Intuition, and can you cultivate it? Part One

The subject of these articles will be "intuition". So first let 's look at a definition of intuition: Intuition definition: 1- immediate apprehension by the mind without reasoning, 2- immediate apprehension by a sense.

Now if we examine these two definitions we can see that they are self-contradictory. The first says intuition occurs "without reasoning" yet the second definition says "by a sense".

So, which is it? Because if intuition begins with a (sense) as in the # 2 definition, then the assertion here is that we have some 'sensory capacity ' to be 'intuitive '.

However, sensory data needs processing to be used.

Hence, that processing is 'reasoning ' on some level (even if it is on a sub-conscious level). So we have the apparent contradiction between definition #2 and definition #1. Because definition # 1 says intuition is "without reason".

It seems that intuition is inherently hard to define. But consider what a Chief Justice of the Supreme Court said about what was legally 'pornography '. The judge said, "I can 't define it, but I know it when I see it".

So, in regard to our intuition, do we know it when we have experienced it? Do we recognize when "intuition" has been a factor in our behaviors, our choices or our actions?

Let me relate a personal experience here that helps expand on this thought.

About 16 years ago I was teaching a RMCAT style, scenario based self-defense class with the armored

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