
What Is The 5 Professional Code Of Ethics For Nurses

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5 Professional Code of Ethics for Nurse

A doctor plays an important life in saving a person's life or helping the birth of a newborn. The helping hands of these professionals, nurses, are often overlooked and rarely get a mention despite their hard work which ensures comfort and timely medicines to the patients. Nurses though professional, take care of patients with all their heart and ensure that not a single dose of treatment is missed. They follow a professional conduct, also called as the Code of Ethics which helps them in taking the right decisions for critical patients in difficult situations. These are nothing but rules by which the nurses abide to guarantee adherence to professional standards and collaborate with other healthcare professionals to provide the best treatment. A nurse is expected to follow the …show more content…

It is the duty of a nurse to provide treatment with care and compassion rising above the cultural, racial or gender differences and thus treat every patient equally irrespective of the condition or disease. He or she should help in boosting a patient's willpower and overcoming health problems which will help to lead a normal and independent life. Respect the patient's priority of interests
As providing the best treatment is ultimate motto of a person working in this profession, it underlines the point that all decisions which are conducive to a patient's health must be given a top priority. For instance, it might happen that a nurse does not agree with the medical practitioner's perspective and has a conflicting point of view. At such times, a nurse must actively participate in medical discussions concerning the involved patient and also, while maintaining the fine line of patient-nurse boundaries, disclose few points which can be easily grasped to the sick person.

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